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Publicity Tips/Why Authors Worry Needlessly
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
Port Washington, WI
Tuesday, December 4, 2012


  The Publicity Hound

Tips, tricks, and tools for free publicity delivered weekly!

Tips Of The Week -- Dec. 1, 2012

Issue #669

  In This Issue:

1.  Why Authors Worry Needlessly

2.  Graphics Package

3.  Hound Video of the Week

1. Why Authors Worry Needlessly

Way too many authors are spending way too much time crying way too many tears over the dearth of book reviews in newspapers and magazines.

Entire book review sections have disappeared. And the few books that are lucky enough to catch the reviewers' attention are usually published by one of the big houses.

Authors, turn that frown upside down!

You have opportunities galore for book reviews that can bring you far more sales than so-so reviews in one of the big newspapers.

For example:

--Bloggers, who have loyal audiences in tight niches and lots of traffic, are often eager to review books that will help their readers.

--Instead of trying to get in front of only readers, how about trying to get in front of librarians who buy books, recommend them to their patrons, and write book reviews for peer publications?

--Don't poo-poo your local newspapers and magazines. Book publicist Penny Sansevieri says there's gold in local reviews.

If you can't afford an expensive publicist to help you launch your book or promote a book that's been on the market for awhile but isn't selling, you'll have to do it yourself. But not to worry.

Join Penny and me for a two-hour webinar from 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Dec. 6. We'll show you "How to Launch a Book, Promote It and Sell a Truckload--Without an Expensive Publicist."

The huge package of bonuses will help you with keywords, writing your author bio, selling books on Pinterest, writing a compelling press release, and knowing what to do if your book really takes off and a major publisher comes knocking.

Register here

You'll get all the bonuses after the webinar, so you aren't overwhelmed. You can concentrate on Penny's advice and then come away knowing exactly how to use the free resources.

2. Graphics Package

During the two-part webinar series I presented this week on "How to Host Webinars and Sell Them as Profitable Products," I shared a link to an inexpensive graphics package that participants will love when it comes time to build their sales pages for their webinars. (Bloggers, you'll love this too.)

I first heard about it more than a year ago.

It's the Marketing Graphics Toolkit and it's jam-packed with mini site templates, price tags, Buy Now buttons, ebook covers, 100 Percent Satisfaction Guaranteed stickers, hand-drawn arrows and doodles, and lots of other goodies.

The package is only $10.95 and here's the best part. When you buy, the entire $10.95 goes into my PayPal account. You can sign up to resell this package, too, and tell your friends and followers about it on your website, via email, or on the social media sites.

Every time someone buys, PayPal will send you an email letting you know that you've just received a payment of $10.95.

You set this up just once. You get charged just once. And you collect payments forever.

So how does this company make their money? By trying to upsell you to a more expensive graphics package. Smart.

Upselling is so important and profitable that I taught people how to upsell from their webinar registrations.

If you missed my "How to Host Webinars" series, you can sign up here because I recorded it, and the videos and bonuses will be ready for downloading by Sunday night.

Note: If you buy the graphics package, you'll have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to find the instructions on how to download. If you get stuck, email Max at GraphicsClubMonthly (at) Gmail.com. 

3. Hound Video of the Week

Thanks to Publicity Hound Kathy Mahan of San Juan Capistrano, Calif., for this video of Sloopy the Dancing Chihuahua, recorded on Thanksgiving Day.

Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs.

Permission to Reprint:

You may reprint any items from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week" in your print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.publicityhound.com/ and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release."

If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

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Joan Stewart

The Publicity Hound


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