Home > NewsRelease > Can Humor Help Stop Bullies? New Family Film ‘How to Beat a Bully’ Shows it Can
Can Humor Help Stop Bullies? New Family Film ‘How to Beat a Bully’ Shows it Can
How to Beat a Bully How to Beat a Bully
Los Angeles, CA
Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Now there's a new family movie that takes on the issue of bullying. Dream Factory Entertainment's "How to Beat a Bully" uses humor to switch things up on the bullies and give the "new kid in town" a creative way to survive their attacks. The 83-minute comedy came out on DVD April 5th at Walmart stores and is also currently on Amazon, Google Play and iTunes.

"How to Beat a Bully" is a combination Home Alone meets Big Fat Liar.  Splash Magazines Worldwide called it "fun, whimsical, and absolutely enjoyable."

The story revolves around a 12-year-old boy who moves to a new town and gets picked on by school bullies. In order to protect himself he fibs and tells the bullies his dad is a hit man for the mob! At first no one believes him, but through a series of misunderstandings, soon the whole town thinks it's true.  That's because his dad is an insurance man who keeps telling people they need "protection" and to take out a "contract."  When the rumor spreads to real mobsters, they capture the dad, who they think is horning in on their territory.  Ultimately, the kid and his friends have to save his dad from the mob.  In the process, they realize the value of being buddies instead of bullies.

Screenwriters Marilyn Anderson & Richard Rossner felt that a clever, fun story could help open conversations about this serious topic in a gentler way than many of the serious and disturbing bully stories that are out there.  They also found that when the topic of bullying comes up, almost everyone has a personal story of how they were bullied.  

Anderson was bullied in high school. She said, "A tough girl used to hit me every time I walked down the hall. I put that in the movie as something that had happened to the mom." Co-writer Rossner used his childhood experience when kids used to call him "melonhead."  That's in the film, too.  They indicated these things hurt them as kids, but now they are using it to provide fun and laughter to others.  "It shows that you can get through these difficult times, and come out for the better."

Many comedians recount how humor helped them survive their school years, so it seemed natural to make a movie for families and use humor to promote the message that it's better to be friends than bullies. One important aspect of the film is that the comedy is equally funny for adults as well as kids.  

Educators and psychologists agree that shared laughter brings people together and humor can be a constructive way to combat problems and issues. "It's great to see the reaction we're getting to this film," Rossner said. "It seems to be striking a chord in a very positive way.

The film is recommended family-friendly by The Dove Foundation for ages 12+ although younger children and adults enjoy it, too. It's currently available on DVD at Walmart as well as online at Amazon, iTunes and other online and retail outlets.

Photos and additional information on request.  Actors, writers and producers available for interviews. Ms. Anderson has guested on over 250 radio & TV Shows.


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"How to Beat a Bully" is presented by Dream Factory Entertainment. Starring Grant McLellan, Bryan Yoshi Brown, Kade Pait, Ian Tucker, Pearce Joza, Griffen Beebe, Eric Lauritzen, Elise Angell, Vince Donvito, and Micah Lyons, with Amy Lyndon, Pamela Munro, Kim Hamilton, Robert Weiner and Kenn Schmitt. Directed by Doug Bilitch. Written by Marilyn Anderson & Richard Rossner. Produced by Sofia Monroe and Paul Rocha. Executive Producers Robert Dudelson, Stephen Langford, Marilyn Anderson, Jackeline Olivier and Wes Underwood. Musical score by Emmy-Award winning composer, Misha Segal. Songs by REVERSE ORDER, a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent. Title song by Chase Rossner. U.S. distributor Indie Rights; Foreign Rights handled by Blairwood Entertainment. 

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Name: Marilyn Anderson
Group: www.HowToBeatABullyTheMovie.com
Dateline: , CA United States
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