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Changing World One Fishmonger at a Time: Danny Quintana Converts Local Vendor as Part of Seafood Watch and GHSMP Campaign
Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism
Salt Lake City, UT
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Help Save the Oceans Thru Sustainable Seafood
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Can the world be changed one person at a time, well it certainly is a good place to start? A few weeks ago the Global High Seas Marine Preserve, founded by Danny Quintana, Environmental Activist and author of Space & Ocean Exploration: The Alternative to the Military-Industry Complex, was accepted a s partner by the Monterey Bay Aquarium to promote their Seafood Watch App. Danny was already a big fan of the mobile application and in fact had been showing it around to various markets, restaurants and contacts in Salt Lake City, where he practices law, and during various excursions around the country and abroad.

A few days ago he received a bit if vindication for his grass roots campaign as he explains in this blog post below.

Go to www.GHSMP.org to see the150 page website that is a wealth of information about the oceans and space, also go to www.SaveOceanLife.com to sign the Global High Seas Marine Petition to ban industrial and destructive harvesting of marine life in international waters around the world. The motto of the PR firm representing the Global High Seas Marine Preserve, E.B. GO Vision Media, is becoming the watchword for this campaign, "Be the Solutions and Crush the Problems."

Serious Thoughts ABOUT THE OCEANS by Danny Quintana:

Yes, you can make a big difference in saving the wildlife in the oceans. For the last year I have been talking with Harmon's Food Stores here in Salt Lake about only selling sustainable sea food. I showed them the Seafood Watch app from Monterey Bay Aquarium. Well persistence paid off. Tonight as I was shopping for seafood I was at the meat and fish counter. Before my eyes was the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch display, the cards to give to the public to eat only sustainable sea food and my butcher Jeff wearing a sustainable sea food apron.

Change in the world and saving the wildlife begins with YOU. If you don't eat endangered fish, the companies that are killing the wild life in the oceans will not have a market for their product. Harmon went to great lengths to make certain that their sea food and farm raised fish are sustainable as well as tasty. After enough tests, the adopted the Monterey Bay sustainable sea food guide and now only sell fish that are not endangered.

If you want to help out, talk to your restaurants, grocery stores and anywhere that sells seafood and show them the Seafood Watch app. Monterey Bay will do the rest. Thank you Harmons for helping us to save the oceans. Our global marketing campaign is going to be launched in July- you can be a part of it. Become a Sea Life Ambassador and help us educate the public about buying only sustainable sea food. We are going to win this environmental battle not only because we are right, but because we are stewards of the Earth and the Creator has entrusted this beautiful creation to our care.

Please download the Seafood Watch app and show your family and friends how to properly buy seafood that is not endangered.

In the developed world, we eat seafood as a food choice. WE are the problem. Without tax subsidies to these giant fishing companies, they could not go out and kill the wildlife. YOU can put pressure on your corrupt politicians and force them to stop giving your tax dollars to companies that are killing the wildlife in the oceans. End tax subsidies the fishing industry immediately. I know that this is not a hot campaign issue, but it should be and maybe as the campaign movies into a different phase the issue will become important because the collapse of the fisheries is extremely important.

Help us out and "Be the Solutions and Crush the Problems."

Danny Quintana on Why We Must Ban Industrial Fishing NOW

Shark Finning is the cruelest fishing practice going on today and responsible for killing over 100-million sharks every year, many whose carcasses are thrown over board alive to die an immobile death in the water or just left diet on decks of fishing trawlers. Check out these magnificent creatures in this video of Shark Diving in the Bahamas by Nurkowanie FeelActive.pl


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Name: Danny Quintana -
Dateline: Salt Lake City, UT United States
Direct Phone: 801 209 5850
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