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Japan Must Step-up and Participate in Saving Tuna Stocks: GHSMP Advocates Japan Buying Tuna Species from UN to Stop Slaughter
Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism
Salt Lake City, UT
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

GHSMP Advocates Selling Japan Tuna Species to Save Them from Extinction

Legislative bodies, international governing institutions and any organized group of people can pass laws all day long with the best of intentions, however, as noted in a Seinfeld episode about reservations, it is "easy to take reservations, the key is holding the reservation." And so it is with laws, it is easy passing laws, the key is enforcing the laws with such vigor that the cost-benefit analysis, or a guilty conscious, persuades scofflaws to act on the side of not committing the crime.

In the following article, Japan Needs to Save the Tuna, Danny Quintana, Founder of the Global High Seas Marine Preseve, comes up with a rather unique approach to saving Bluefin Tunsa from extinction. 

The problem with international law is it exists only on paper and not in practice. Past 200 miles is international waters and there the wildlife of the oceans exists with, basically, little or no protection from industrial fishing or those trawling for endangered species like whales, tuna or many other marine species so designated. Despite numerous scientific studies advocating an end or drastically cutting back on fishing for ahi tuna and other endangered species, the slaughter continues. This chase for the very last fish is the result of the tragedy of the commons.

How the tragedy of the commons occurs is if no one owns a forest, a fish or wildlife species and it is owned by everyone, then the law does not adequately provide protection. The international waters are the common area and are owned by no one. The wildlife is supposed to be protected by fishing quotas but between piracy, transferring fish from illegal fishing to "legal" vessels and the giant trawlers that have nets so large they can hold two 747s, as well as long line that go out for over 60 miles with tens of thousands of hook- the wild life in the oceans will soon be gone. There is a solution.

If any of you have ever been to Japan, you understand that this economic superpower is the future. Japan is modern, clean and has a world class navy. The society depends on fishing for much of their country's protein. Japan has the wherewithal to save the Bluefin Tuna from extinction. This country needs to step up and buy the entire Blue Fin Tuna species to save it from certain extinction.

The United Nations needs to develop and sell special licenses to nations in exchange for protecting and growing the fish stocks. If the Blue Fin Tuna are sold to the Japanese government in exchange for a ten-year exclusive license of $20 billion from the United Nations then their navy will be able to monitor and protect this hugely important predator. Since 1970 approximately 90 percent of the predator fish have been killed off. Because no one owns these species, everyone can hunt them and consequently they are being hunted to extinction. It is better to grant special licenses to nations in exchange for much needed funding for the UN than to witness the wildlife in the oceans hunted to extinction.

The Bluefin Tuna can be tagged, followed by radar and sonar, monitored and very carefully harvested and allow time for the stocks to recover. We do not have to hunt these species to extinction. Japan has a vested interest in the survival of this important species. This rich country can also well afford the $20 billion for a special UN license to buy and protect the species. This has to be done because within the next five years this species will be hunted to extinction. Only a great naval power that is also a fish consumer can protect this species.

With sharks and their slaughter, the next president needs to impose trade sanctions on nations that sell shark fin soup. This will stop the slaughter. Economics will solve the problem of the collapse of the fisheries. Nations need to stop subsidizing their fishing industries and recognize that giving their rich members endangered fish as a food "choice" ultimately is what is causing the destruction of the fisheries.

Ten nations are responsible for 70 percent of the catch yet these rich countries only make up one percent of the fisherman. The poor countries that depend on the wild life in the oceans for protein do not fish the various species to extinction. They do not have giant trawlers that kill everything in their wake.

The Law of the Seas Treaty can be used to issue these special exclusive licenses with the agreement of UN members. One huge problem is the United States refuses to ratify this important international agreement. Republican opposition has stopped ratification despite support from numerous presidents from both political parties. The Law of the Seas Treaty needs to be ratified by the US and Japan needs to take an active role in saving the wildlife of the oceans. Japan buying the Blue Fin Tuna is probably the only way this important species will be saved from extinction.

Its time for the rich nations to buy the fish stocks to properly address the tragedy of the commons and thereby save the fisheries from extinction.

For more information go to www.GHSMP.org or for media interviews contact E.B. GO Vision Media at c@EBGOinc.com.

Tuna Cowboys, National Geographic Award Winning Documentary Produced and Directed by Mike Bhana

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