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Rogue Fishing Nations Must Be Punished by Economic Action: Sanctions, a Ban on Industrial Fishing and Consumer Boycotts Needed
Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism
Salt Lake City, UT
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Chinese Fishing Vessels That Operate Illegally Around the World

Most predictions of the future never come to pass, something changes and technology or world events create a new dynamic that changes everything. When stark realities are staring humanity in the face, realities of the everyday struggle to survive can cause many so called experts to ignore the problem, think Hitler. Now we have a one big Matzo Ball staring the industrialized world in the face; overfishing and pollution are killing the oceans and the devastating consequences of further degradation can't be divined with any degree of certainty by even the smartest and most prescient human beings.

Danny Quintana founded the Global High Seas Marine Preserve, a non-profit dedicated to saving ocean wildlife and ecosystems, during the writing of his latest book, Space & Ocean Exploration: The Alternative to the Military-Industrial Complex, as research showed him the oceans are under assault from all sides and drastic action was required. The primary goal of the organization is a ban of industrial harvesting of marine life in international waters, but it also includes other tactics and strategies as evidenced by the article below.

Talk is Cheap—It's Time for Economic Action

by Danny Quintana

We have a choice. We can continue on our present course where the fish stocks are in decline globally and over 70 million sharks are being killed annually or do something to stop the slaughter. What can an individual do? The actions of each individual have profound effects when we work together. There is no great mystery on why the wildlife on land and at sea are being killed. Humans are killing the wildlife.

The oceans are the only place left on Earth where humans still kill wildlife for food and other purposes. If we want to save the wildlife in the oceans we can do something simple—stop killing the fish, sharks, whales and dolphins. This is not difficult. If other nations are going to kill the wildlife in the oceans they can be stopped. Nations trade and depend on selling products into the world market to employ their people, to make money and improve their standard of living.

Japan and China depend on trade as does the European Union. Japan has 126 million people and $4.83 Trillion GDP. They are an economic powerhouse and have one of the highest standards of living on Earth. But they are destroying the oceans. Without trade they are poor.

China has the largest population of 1.38 Billion people and $19 Trillion GDP. They are the third largest economy on the planet. Without trade they will return to poverty. They are hunting the sharks to extinction for shark fin soup. This has to stop.

The European Union has over 400 million people and a $20 Trillion GDP. This is the second largest economy on the planet. It is trade or poverty with Europe and they know it. The EU subsidizes these huge industrial trawlers that hunt off the coasts of Africa, Asia and South America. They are emptying out the oceans and the Europeans know it. All so rich and middle class Europeans can have seafood as a "food choice". They need to be stopped.

Chinese Fishing Vessels Operating Illegally Around the World

The NAFTA economy of Canada, the United States and Mexico is the largest economy on the planet. But this economic block does not do anywhere near enough to protect the oceans. With a population of 480 million people and a $22 Trillion GDP, this is the largest economy on the planet.

These combined economies are $65.83 Trillion which basically is the global economy. A one day boycott of these economic blocks will cause $180 Billion dollars in lost trade. Forget about public protests or writing your congressman or corrupt politician. Not buying anything for one day on Earth Day 2017 will send a message to the leaders of our small planet. We mean business and we intend to stop the slaughter. The entire fishing industry employs approximately 200 million people and only generates approximately $80 Billion annually. This one day boycott will send a message to the governments of the world that if they kill the fish, we will punish them economically.

Consumers in the developed world are the problem. One percent of the fisherman catch 70 percent of the fish and half of the catch is just wasted. Without over $35 Billion in tax subsidies, the massive fishing vessels are not profitable. These tax subsidies have to end globally. This can be done in world trade agreements. Consumers can do our parts by eating less seafood. With us in the rich developed world, seafood is a food choice. We can choose to eat something else that does not kill the wildlife in the oceans.

GHSMP Partners with Seafood Watch to Promote Sustainable Seafood 

Individual responsibility results in global change. On Saturday, April 22, 2017 for Earth Day help us to save the wildlife in the oceans and on land. Boycott all goods from Japan, China, the European Union, Canada, the United States and Mexico. These governments are not working to protect the environment. Since an honest politician is a person whom when bought, stays bought- its time to hit them where it hurts, in their fat wallets. You take away the profits for one day from these massive economies and these businesses will get the message. Consumer power is economic power and it is the power to effectuate real environmental change.

Most environmental battles are lost before a shot is fired. Not this one. A Earth Day boycott of the world's largest economies will force the governments of the world to stop the slaughter of the wildlife in the oceans. Join us and spread the word.

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Name: Danny Quintana -
Dateline: Salt Lake City, UT United States
Direct Phone: 801 209 5850
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