About: I'm Dan Janal. I'm a book coach, developmental editor and book coach for subject matter experts in marketing, personal finance, and wellness. I've written more than a dozen books, including 6 landmark books for Wiley that have been translated into 6 languages. I've spoken on marketing topics and futurism in six countries and four continents and have taught at Berkeley and Stanford. I'm one of the most creative, problem-solving persons you've ever encountered. Now, I help people write their books - as a book coach, developmental editor, and ghostwriter. No matter where you are in the book-writing process, I can help you. See more info at http://www.WriteYourBookInAFlash.com Or read my latest book on how to write a book with AI ethically; https://amzn.to/3YmqeyR
About: Chris Carosa's expertise spans three distinct areas. He is a Child IRA/retirement expert, a mentor for entrepreneurs, and a hamburger history expert. For fun, he also writes and talks about the history of the Greater Western New York Region. He has appeared frequently in national media as a source for stories on the Child IRA, fiduciary and 401(k) retirement plans, the history of the hamburger, small business success, and marketing & publicity for entrepreneurs. Carosa, a Certified Trust & Fiduciary Advisor, currently serves as a Western Region District Director of the New York Press Association and has held major leadership positions in the Financial Planning Association and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. How can this keynote speaker, best-selling author, whimsical playwright, and nationally ranked mutual fund portfolio manager help you? Email him at ccarosa@ChrisCarosa.com or call (585) 733-4553. He answers his own phone.
About: Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications. a PR and marketing firm with a knack for authors and entrepreneurs to help them get all the publicity they deserve.
About: Her first book, Street-Smart Advertising: How to Win the Battle of the Buzz, was selected as a Featured Business Book in Delta Sky Magazine. She also created two 6-CD webinar sets on Street-Smart Advertising, which won a 2008 national AWC Clarion Award for Educational Reference. Her second advertising book, The Brains Behind Great Ad Campaigns was released in 2009, followed by her third one, The Copywriter's Toolkit in 2012. She launched her fourth book, MetaMind Yoga (2013), an inner guide to serenity with an accompanying website: www.MetaMindYoga.com. In 2017, she released another book, The Blueprint for Strategic Advertising. Margo is the inventor of tactikPAK™, an interactive, patented system of learning in ten topics: Advertising, Ad Strategy, Copywriting, Creativity, Design, Presentation, Promotion PR, Resume and Writing.
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Audiobook Chapter 1 of 'Immortality: Epocalypse' by David Matorano, M.D.
Charlie & Cheryl Young, C-Authors of 'Houdini's Last Handcuffs,' Featured on ...
Laurie Elizabeth Murphy, Author of 'Dream Me Home,' Featured on Dr. Pat Radio...
Charlie Young, Author of 'Houdini's Last Handcuffs,' Featured on Tommy G Radi...
Tamim Hamid, Author of 'Grow it Back,' Featured on Jim Beach Radio Show
Edward Segal, Author of 'Whistle Stop Politics,' Featured on Frankie Boyer Ra...
About: ExpertClickRadio is from Broadcast Interview Source, Inc. of Washington D.C. We publish the Expert Referral website: www.ExpertClick.com - the site helps journalists, meeting planners and lawyers, respectively find Interview subjects, speakers for events, and expert witnesses. To be interviewed please contact us at: Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.com or call (202) 333-5000. ExpertClickRadio is produced by E.B. GO Vision Media.
About: Mitchell P. Davis won the Georgetown University Bunn Award for Excellence in Journalism and graduated from their business school. Started his PR business in 1984 with publication of the Talks Show Guest Directory. Served on the board of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. Now in it’s 37 annual edition the Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons has been requested by tens of thousands of journalists. See and download a free copy of the 37th Yearbook of Experts at www.ExpertBook.com -- his website: www.ExpertClick.com hosts all the expert profiles and hundreds of thousands of news releases. His resources are loved by the new media. --- The New York Times called it: 'Dial-an-Expert.' The Associated Press called it: 'An Encyclopedia of Sources,' and PRWEEK called it: 'a dating service of PR.' He also founded The News Council, to help non-profit groups use the power of his networking.
About: Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC Nightly News, The New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS and many more.
About: Elevate your career from an unknown to a distinguished expert through: How to be a Media Magnet. Discover Rose Lee's Award Winning approach to a dynamic interview. Reveal your talents and skills to light up the airwaves and create a lasting impression: Documented research reports the delivery of a television interview impacts an audience based on 7% content, 38% voice and 55% body language. Featured expert guests on the Rose Lee Archer Show expand expert advice to our viewers.
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‘Book Title Generator,’ by Book Publicist Scott Lorenz, Garners 25th Win for ...
Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist & Author of ‘Book Title Generator,’ Featured on ...
‘Book Title Generator,’ by Book Publicist Scott Lorenz, Has Won 24 Awards in ...
‘Book Title Generator,’ by Book Publicist Scott Lorenz, Garners FAPA 2021 Pre...
Book Publicist Scott Lorenz, Author of ‘Book Title Generator,’ Wins Bronze Me...
‘Millionaire’s Lawyer’ JP McAvoy Interviews Book Publicist Scott Lorenz on ‘...
About: Book publicist Scott Lorenz, Pres. of Westwind Comm., a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it's their first book or their 15th book. He's handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman's World, & Howard Stern to name a few. Learn more about Westwind Communications' book marketing approach at https://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com/ or contact Lorenz at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone -- at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist
About: AuthorYOU® is a non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers and registered as a 501 (c)6 with the IRS. It's for you to if you want to learn about:…Saving thousands of dollars in mistakes that most authors make; Being able to identify publishing scams and publishing predators before the suck one dollar of your money; Writing a book, resurrecting a book, or just supporting a book; Creating a book that will find a following; Strategizing the steps to be successful; Developing a game-plan that has roots; Designing a book that is the right fit for your audience; Publishing a book that turns heads; Marketing moxie that creates results; Developing Social media strategies that are book and author friendly; Obtaining Publicity tactics that work; Crowdfunding for Authors and Books; Gizmos, gadgets and technology; and Achieving Amazing Results
About: Jill Lublin is a 25+ year Media Magnet. She is a world-renowned publicity expert, international speaker and 4x Best Selling author. Jill has made thousands of stage appearances alongside celebrities such as Tony Robbins, Barbara Corcoran and Jack Canfield, to name a few. She has worked with over 100,000 clients implementing her signature formula for getting media attention, creating next-level visibility in the marketplace that results in boosted sales. These lead and profit generating formulas are included in her signature program, the Media Mastery Intensive and her monthly Kindness Circles.
About: The Historic Traveler is a unique blog for history lovers that combines stunning photos and lively descriptions of historic locations around the world, coupled with recommendations for historic novels, mysteries, histories and biographies that illuminate what it would have been like to live there. Host Jackie Lapin shares her passion twice weekly with highlights from the more than 500 localities she has visited and photographed. Historic Traveler International is the membership alliance that goes deeper -- with a dozen resources for history lovers and historic readers offered nowhere else! Go to www.TheHistoricTraveler.com
About: In the 90s, Robin Quinn began writing press releases for book editing clients, as a way to provide them with a valuable and handy promotional tool. Today she writes all the pieces that can go in an author’s media kit, from press releases, to author bios, to book summaries, to suggested media questions, to suggested media segments, to backgrounders on book topics. In December 2020, Robin received the prestigious IRWIN Award, Best Media Kit, for the press package she wrote on the sci-fi 30th Century Trilogy by author Mark Kingston Levin, PhD. In addition to PR copywriting, Robin also writes website copy for authors. She is a Book Coach and Book Editor operating out of Los Angeles, with such recent projects as 'How to Play the Best Game of Your Life' by Dr. John J. Carroll and 'Re-Inventing Me,' a one-person play based on books by Esther Pearlman.
About: BookPublicists.Org is a membership organization that helps Writers, Publishers, Editors, Speakers, Film Makers and Publicists promote and market their creative works. Founded by Irwin Zucker, Book Publicists was established in 1976 and been helping Authors present their stories to the public
About: Features USA offers five publicity services: 1) ExpertClick memberships with free news releases -- 10-day Free Trial www.ExpertClick.com/free 2) ExpertRadio.com interviews from Michael Butler -- Guaranteed show placement and Sound Cloud audio for your website. He will write the questions with you. 3) Book Publicity from Scott Lorenz -- www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com 4) Press Release writing and sending from Dan Janal -- www.PressReleaseSender.com 5) Syndicated Editorial placement with guaranteed 2,400 placements from www.NEWSUSA.com -- they will write a news story about you, and place it on thousands of websites. Contact at at: (202) 333-5000 for a custom package – you can save big when you use at least two of the services.
About: Potpourri Books offers readers an eclectic choice of reading treats. From novels and non-fiction to humor and children's books. We love the unique and special, because that's what our readers are, too!
The staff at Potpourri Books includes seasoned professionals who have worked in the publishing and entertainment industries for many years. We are committed to bringing projects to fruition with innovation and excellence.
About: Michael B. Butler, author of A World Flight Over Russia and co-author of 'Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice, has also worked in book and corporate travel marketing and PR. His travel clients included AmaWaterways and Brendan Vacations, where he also worked in conjunction Tahiti Tourism and the Irish Tourists Board With over 10-years experience with the Expert Click system, Brad Butler writes, generates and tracks news releases on the Internet, which are then disseminated to the media to create further exposure.