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Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
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Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
Los Angeles, CA United States
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Michael B. Butler
Long Beach, CA
United States
Contact Phone: 213-534-7292

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Michael B. Butler
Michael B. Butler
Michael B. Butler

Round the World & Across Russia, 30 Years Later: 12 Planes & 22 Aviators Thru 11 Countries When the Soviet Union Fell & Russia Returned. by Michael B. Butler, author of 'the first A World Flight Over Russia book (1998) and co-author of Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices and How One Escaped Justice, has created a historically intensive look of a unique aviation event which took place at a watershed moment in world history, July 1992. Hired to document 12 small planes flying around the world across Russia in 21 days, by Sea Island Productions, Michael B. Butler is able to bring this fascinating story to full life because he lived it and nearly perished in Siberia during the process.

Moscow, January 1992: Three men were in Moscow weeks after the Soviet Union voted itself out of business. They are trying or organize a World Flight Across Russia. Confusion reigns supreme six months after hard-liners tried to reverse all the gains made during Gorbachev's reforms, when Boris Yeltsin and the people made their famous stand for freedom in August 1991. Odds were stacked against their success as the world was still reeling from one amazing and startling fact: The Cold War just ended!

The 1st Annual Around the World Air Rally was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...

7 major pilot journals, 25 hours of video tape, interviews, numerous photographs and extensive historical research has gone into this new telling of a multi-faceted adventure when all the world changed. Never again would the conditions exists for this type of aviation excursion, not a year later and definitely not now with war raging in Ukraine and Russia.