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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Edward Segal -- 'Whistle-Stop Politics: Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them'
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About: Edward Segal is the country’s top expert on the history of campaign trains and the impact of the trains on politics, journalism, and culture. He is one of the few people to organize a modern-day whistle-stop campaign-train tour. Segal served as a campaign manager, press secretary, and aide to Democratic and Republican presidential and congressional candidates. He is the bestselling author of Crisis Ahead and has written for, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and other major publications.
Christopher Carosa
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About: Chris Carosa's expertise spans three distinct areas. He is a Child IRA/retirement expert, a mentor for entrepreneurs, and a hamburger history expert. For fun, he also writes and talks about the history of the Greater Western New York Region. He has appeared frequently in national media as a source for stories on the Child IRA, fiduciary and 401(k) retirement plans, the history of the hamburger, small business success, and marketing & publicity for entrepreneurs. Carosa, a Certified Trust & Fiduciary Advisor, currently serves as a Western Region District Director of the New York Press Association and has held major leadership positions in the Financial Planning Association and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. How can this keynote speaker, best-selling author, whimsical playwright, and nationally ranked mutual fund portfolio manager help you? Email him at or call (585) 733-4553. He answers his own phone.
George H. Hassanzadeh -- Expert in Islamic Matters
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About: George H. Hassanzadeh, born and raised in a Muslim Shi'afamily in Iran, is the author of Iran: Harsh Arm of Islam and is a recognized expert in Islam. He is in the process of releasing a series of books illustrating the distorted Shi'a, jihad, and Shari'a Laws practiced by the alleged infallible Arab Shiite clerics forcing medieval rule and a system of mind control in 21st century Arab and non-Arab nations. George H. Hassanzadeh is a U.S. Army Veteran and lives in California.
U.S. Army War College
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About: Since 1757, the U.S. Army War College has prepared senior military leaders for service at the national and international level in war and peace: Eisenhower, Patton, Halsey, Bradley, Schwarzkopf & o...
Things To Do In Plymouth, MA
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About: Things to Do In Plymouth MA is the most comprehensive events calendar serving residents of and visitors to Plymouth, MA. From outdoor events in Myles Standish state forest to historical lectures to what live music and entertainment is happening, Things to Do In Plymouth MA is your go-to source. Search by event type and/or date - easily. What's happening tonight, tomorrow - or a month from now, when you're renting a cottage? It's easily found here. It's always free for organizations to list their events. Become an authorized event poster and add, change and cancel events easily online. More at
Jim Ciardella --- Ferrari Writer
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About: Jim Ciardella is a storyteller, Ferrari enthusiast, and native Californian. Born and raised in Palo Alto, California, he grew up in the heart of Silicon Valley. His new book, titled The Dealer, How One California Dealership Fueled the Rise of Ferrari Cars in America, is the story of Ferrari of Los Gatos, a dealership that became number one in North America during the 1980s. Along with Ferraris, the dealership sold hot rods, muscle cars, and other classic cars, gaining the reputation to be able to find any car a customer desired. The book tells how the business became so successful and shares stories from the people that lived the dream daily. Published by Prometheus Books, part of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., The Dealer is scheduled for release in July, 2022.
Barbara Daddino, Author of Tesla's Cottage - The Lost History of Nikola Tesla at Wardenclyffe
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About: Barbara holds an MFA in creative writing from New York University. She has taught English and creative writing at Commack Public Schools and creative writing at NYU as an adjunct. She has also contributed to the Bellevue Literary Review as an associate editor. Her essays and movie reviews have appeared in Newsday and on PBS. She was also a featured guest in two PBS interviews about late-life di...
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
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About: As a historical commentator, William S. Bike, senior vice president of public relations, communications consulting firm Central Park Communications, uses his encyclopedic knowledge of history to add an unusual depth to discussions of current events. Bike has made frequent radio and television appearances and literally wrote the book on campaigning: Winning Political Campaigns, a how-to handbook on running for office. Reviews of Political Books ( said, 'from a practical political standpoint, it is the best book out--yet.'
Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
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About: Award-winning artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike paints colorful, calming watercolors inspired by nature. She loves color, texture, and handmade papers, and her flower paintings capture moments of vibrant stillness and beauty. Her work reflects an underlying spirituality infused with the wisdom of nature and seasonal cycles. Collectors love her paintings for their joy, the healing peace they inspire, and the artistry that informs each brushstroke. Anne specializes in watercolor paintings on handmade paper, hand mounted in the traditional Asian style and uniquely custom framed by professional framers. Anne’s art has appeared in numerous solo and group shows as well as many arts programs, presentations, and performances. Her work has been published in periodicals and books; covered in numerous print publications; and featured in broadcast media, both on television and feature films. She earned a degree in art history and has won multiple awards for arts writing.
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
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About: Nominated vetted and strongly considered for Nobel Peace Prize 2016-2019. Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic interdisciplinary talents as engineer, educator, speaker, businessman, and workshop presenter amaze audiences with empirical insights. His insights have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold. His combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business, political, and academic astuteness. Bob held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national delegate, and electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy. 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics. Unlike the baffled climate experts he can explain the fifteen year 1998-2013 slow global warming and predicts much stronger warming after 2025. See website for other links, and
Elaine Rock-Meet the Hidden Figure WHo Really Ignited the Women's Movement
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About: Elaine is the author of the newly released biography "Dusty Roads—Meet the Hidden Figure Who Really Ignited the Women’s Movement." She used extensive interviews with Dusty to bring her empowering tenacity alive for readers. As a stewardess and union leader, Dusty was the most influential voice in her union and one of the first female lobbyists in Washington DC. This was before phrases like sex discrimination and women's rights hadn't yet enterewd the nation's vocabulary. Elaine is a women's rights advocate and former history teacher and technology executive. Her passion is writing about little-known but courageous and heroic women and men whose persistence and resilience helped shape history and became leaders and trailblazers. She is a member of the California Writers Club-Redwood Writers Branch, Biographers International Organization, Non-fiction Authors Association, NOW and, National Women’s History Alliance. Elaine was featured on the 2024 PBS American Experience documentary "Fly With Me."
Bryan Rigg, Author of 'Flamethrower--Iwo Jima Medal of Honor Recipient
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About: Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, the Biographer of Woody Williams, the Last WWII Medal of Honor Recipient and author of FLAMETHROWER. Dr. Rigg is a recipient of the 2002 William E. Colby award for his work Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale earning honors in History; the university subsequently awarded him the Henry Fellowship to study at Cambridge University where he received his MA and PhD. Since then, he has written five acclaimed books on World War II and the Holocaust and his newest title, Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age.
Ishi Nobu -- Indpendent Scholar & Spiritual Guru
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About: About the author: Ishi Nobu is a brilliant independent scholar & guru who conveys his deep comprehension of Nature and reality. These efforts are displayed in his comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Nature, human endeavor, and spirituality. His previous books: The Red Pill: Mastering The Matrix; Clarity: The Path Inside; Unraveling Reality: Behind the Veil of Existence; and the 8-book Spokes of the Wheel cycle: The Science of Existence, The Web of Life, The Elements of Evolution, The Ecology of Humans, The Echoes of The Mind, The Fruits of Civilization, The Pathos of Politics, and The Hub of Being. Nobu is renowned for deliberate, incisive scholarship. He has the rare talent of drawing insights from m multiple disciplines and weaving them into a revealing consilience.
David Blixt -- Shakespeare Expert, Author of Historical Fiction,
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About: Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire (the COLOSSUS series, his play EVE OF IDES) to early Renaissance Italy (the STAR-CROSS’D series) up through the Elizabethan era (his delightful espionage comedy HER MAJESTY’S WILL, starring Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe as hapless spies). His novels combine a love of the theatre with a deep respect for the quirks and passions of history.
Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
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About: The ‘1st Annual Around the World Air Rally’ was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...
John G. Kulhavi -- Vietnam War Hero, Businessman
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About: John Kulhavi abides by this expressed commitment to leaving no soldier behind. He stays true to the military values of personal responsibility, duty, honor, and faith,' Author Don Steele says, emphasizing John’s loyal nature. John shows a consistent commitment to his community, providing generous support to Central Michigan University and backing entrepreneurial ventures.
Daniel A. Shyti, Author of 'American Gaslighting - How America is Being Systematically Taught to Hate Itself'
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About: Daniel A. Shyti is a professional speaker, leadership expert, speech coach, political commentator, award winning author, podcaster and patriot. After graduating with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Pratt Institute and serving in the Army for four years, Dan made the transition to private industry. There he dedicated himself to being an effective leader and eventually became a Vice Pre...
Jay Margolis, Co-Author of 'My Maril - Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me'
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About: The movie star, the singer, the sex symbol, the so-called 'dumb blonde' – all things that Marilyn Monroe is known as, and yet her story goes far beyond that. How did she build her career in Hollywood? Who was she close to – her family, her friends, her lovers—and who was really there for her? Was a successful young woman’s life cut short by suicide, or is there more to the story? Most importantly, who really was Marilyn Monroe? 'My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood,' and Me reveals the intimate details of the star's life and the environment of Hollywood and the United States at the peak of Marilyn Monroe's career.
Doyle Glass -- History to Life
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About: Doyle Glass is an author, historian, and sculptor dedicated to honoring those who fought for freedom. He is a master at recounting true stories of brave men and women who were outnumbered and out-gunned but continued to battle toe-to-toe with ferocious opponents in war. His first book, Lions of Medina, gives a firsthand account of the sacrifices made by the Marines of Charlie Company during Vietnam. His second book, Swift Sword, chronicles the gut-wrenching story of valiant Marines in Vietnam who endured a horrific firefight isolated on a lone knoll in the Queson Valley. Coming in 2023, Benoist’s War will reveal the harrowing story of Robert Benoist, a famous French Grand Prix World champion in the 1920s and Le Mans race winner in the 1930s, who risked everything as a British secret agent to help rid France of the Nazi occupation during WWII.
Gary Zuercher -- 'The Glow of Paris - The Bridges of Paris at Night'
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About: Gary Zuercher spent five years photographing the bridges of Paris at night and another year in historical research for his book. The Glow of Paris: The Bridges of Paris at Night is an eclectic collection of extraordinary gelatin-silver photographic prints of the 35 bridges of Paris - nighttime images that are breathtaking. Accompanied by a fascinating historical portrayal, the book presents a unique and aesthetic vision of Paris because no one else has ever photographed and written about the bridges that cross the Seine in this way.
Ajay Kaul, Author Mumbai Matinee
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About: Travel to Mumbai, India Vicariously Through the Eyes of a World Traveler Who’s Been to all Seven Continents. Fall in love with India and the bustling city of Mumbai. Learn about the city and it veritable feast of commerce, people, and danger which make up India’s most populous city and financial capital. 'What stands out about Mumbai is that it is perpetually open for business. People can look for opportunities and count on them. There is huge encouragement everywhere,' says Ajay Kaul, author of Mumbai Matinee, a truth-based fiction that acts as both memoir and travelogue.
Dr. Kevin Schewe - Author of Bad Love Tigers - Book 2 in Bad Love Series
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About: About Kevin Schewe: Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO is a board-certified cancer specialist who has been in the private practice of radiation oncology for over 33 years. He is an entrepreneur, having founded Elite Therapeutics and Bad Love Cosmetics Company, LLC. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of a small, publicly-traded, renewable, green energy and animal feed company called VIASPACE, Inc. Bad Love Tigers is the sequel to his bestselling debut novel Bad Love Strikes. You can connect with Dr. Schewe through his website or Instagram: @realkevinschewe. Watch the book trailer here.
Bevis Longstreth -- Author of 'Chains Across the River- A Novel of the American Revolution'
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About: About Bevis Longstreth: Bevis Longstreth is the author of four historical novels: Spindle and Bow, Return of the Shade, Boats Against the Current, and Chains Across the River. He combines his passion for history with a unique, contemporary perspective. Mr. Longstreth is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. He practiced law in the New York City law firm of Debevoise & Plimpton, becoming a partner in 1970. From 1981-84 he served as a Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission. After returning to Debevoise & Plimpton in 1984, he retired from the practice of law in 1993 to teach at Columbia Law School and pursue other interests, among which was writing. He lives in Manhattan, New York with his wife, Clara, and their dog, McKenzie. They have three children a...
Kenneth James Moore
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About: Kenneth James Moore was born in 1949 in Tacoma, Washington. He graduated from Arizona State University and continued his education as a graduate student at Georgetown University. Political science and international relations were his calling. Mentored by a former professor who was a Cold War counter-intelligence officer, Ken spent a year long stint as a volunteer alongside Admiral Bobby Inman, the Director of the National Security Agency during its reconstruction phase. Ken and his wife Patricia moved to Southern California, where Ken worked at Beverly Hills Securities as a commercial loan officer. He quickly moved to the investment banking side of the house and was able to retire at 45. In 1994, Ken was the victim of a horrific automobile accident. Rehabilitation consumed every moment ...
Jared Knott
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About: The history of world events, and our own lives, run on big events which are often the result of small events, sometimes even Tiny Blunders. Making a right turn instead of a left turn; attending a party or not; getting on a plane or not; making an important decision in anger or from logic? Tiny Blunders, Big Disasters: Thirty-Nine Tiny Mistakes That Changed the World Forever!, by Jared Knott, explores thousands of years of history to showcase, and explain in detail, how our world has often been formed by trivial occurrences which turned out to be watershed moments in history. Now an Amazon Bestselling book in several categories, these Tiny Blunders which caused Big Disasters also revolve around the personality and upbringing of the famous and infamous.
Bew White -- Subject of Biography 'A Summer Classic, The Bew White Story'
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About: About Bew White: Bew White III, is Chairman of the Board of Gabriella White and it's brands, Summer Classics, Gabby and Wendy Jane. He graduated from Auburn University in 1972 with a degree in textile engineering. The phrase 'outdoor living' had hardly been coined, as outdoor furniture was simply known as a table and chairs you would find on a basic patio deck At just 28 years old, Mr. White left his job at his family-owned business, Avondale Mills, and started a sales representative company in 1978 called Vista Corporation, specializing in selling outdoor furniture. In 1987, Bew started multiple companies in an effort to expand from selling on the road to building a national brand.
Scott M. Haskins -- Art Conservation-Restoration, Art Damage Repair and Insurance Claims
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About: Scott M. Haskins is a internationally renowned professional art conservator whose opinion is often sought and who is often featured in all the media types nationwide. He is an expert witness/legal testimony on art related insurance matters/claims and on private law suits. His clients include the Los Angeles Supreme Court system and the federal government. Mr. Haskins has worked in both Europe and the U.S. as a professional art conservator since 1975. He is the author of the awarded 'Save Your Stuff' series, written to assist the public protect and save valuable possessions from disasters and emergencies. He is a public speaker and conducts webinars, fundraisers, membership drives, docent trainings, seminars and just for entertainment based on the subject of his 4 books and on his other professional activities.
Ruth W. Crocker -- Writing and Remembrance
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About: Ruth is an award-winning writer and workshop facilitator. She offers workshops and speaking events on memoir, writing for healing, and the publishing process. She has lectured nationally about recovery from trauma and grief using creative processes. She received an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Bennington College, a PhD in Nutrition and Human Development from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Education from Tufts University. Her essays have been listed in Best American Essays and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is the author of Those Who Remain: Remembrance and Reunion After War, a memoir about the experience of losing her husband in Vietnam, and People of Yellowstone, photos and biographies of people who live, work and play in Yellowstone National Park.
Richard A. Cheatham -- Living History Associates, Ltd.
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About: Dick Cheatham is an independent scholar and educator, a professional speaker and journalist. With a passion for making important lessons from History interesting and relevant for us today, he speak...
Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum
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About: Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum -- In 1839, the Lyceum Company, which promoted education in Alexandria, partnered with the Alexandria Library Company to build Lyceum Hall. The new building had a library and reading room on the first floor and a large hall on the second floor for lectures, debates, concerts, meetings, and other public programs.
Michael Butler - Author - Historian - Ghostwriter
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About: Michael B. Butler, author of A World Flight Over Russia and co-author of 'Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice, has also worked in book and corporate travel marketing and PR. His travel clients included AmaWaterways and Brendan Vacations, where he also worked in conjunction Tahiti Tourism and the Irish Tourists Board With over 10-years experience with the Expert Click system, Brad Butler writes, generates and tracks news releases on the Internet, which are then disseminated to the media to create further exposure.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
Barbara Daddino, Author of Tesla's Cottage - The Lost History of Nikola Tesla at Wardenclyffe
Norm Goldman --
Norm Goldman --
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Norm Goldman --
Norm Goldman --
Norm Goldman --
William S. Bike -- Historical Commentator
Norm Goldman --

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