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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Vonda Pelto, Ph.D.-- Serial Killer Expert, Author 'Without Redemption'
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About: Vonda Pelto, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist who worked throughout Southern California and is famous for counseling serial killers at L.A. Men's Central Jail from 1981 to 1985. She used those years as the basis for two book, Without Remorse and Without Redemption, the latter which came out in 2022 and is a historical biography of Bill Bonin, the Freeway Killer responsible for murdering 22 teenage boys over ten-moonths in 1979-80.
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
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About: Nominated vetted and strongly considered for Nobel Peace Prize 2016-2019. Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic interdisciplinary talents as engineer, educator, speaker, businessman, and workshop presenter amaze audiences with empirical insights. His insights have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold. His combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business, political, and academic astuteness. Bob held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national delegate, and electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy. 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics. Unlike the baffled climate experts he can explain the fifteen year 1998-2013 slow global warming and predicts much stronger warming after 2025. See website for other links, and
Jay Margolis, Co-Author of 'My Maril - Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me'
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About: The movie star, the singer, the sex symbol, the so-called 'dumb blonde' – all things that Marilyn Monroe is known as, and yet her story goes far beyond that. How did she build her career in Hollywood? Who was she close to – her family, her friends, her lovers—and who was really there for her? Was a successful young woman’s life cut short by suicide, or is there more to the story? Most importantly, who really was Marilyn Monroe? 'My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood,' and Me reveals the intimate details of the star's life and the environment of Hollywood and the United States at the peak of Marilyn Monroe's career.
Campus Safety Alliance -- Morgan Ballis, M.S. EM
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About: Mr. Ballis is a nationally recognized expert on school safety and active shooter events. After his mom survived the attack at Congresswoman Giffords' event in 2011, Mr. Ballis dedicated his life to understanding these tragedies. He has trained more than 20,000 educators, students, and law enforcement officers in active shooter response. Pursuing his Ph.D. in emergency management with a focus on school violence, Mr. Ballis presents his research and methodology at law enforcement and educational conferences across the U.S. He has appeared on numerous media outlets and radio shows sharing evidence-based and trauma-informed school safety solutions. Mr. Ballis is a nationally certified law enforcement trainer preparing officers responding to mass murder incidents also serving as a consu...
Potpourri Books
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About: Potpourri Books offers readers an eclectic choice of reading treats. From novels and non-fiction to humor and children's books. We love the unique and special, because that's what our readers are, too! The staff at Potpourri Books includes seasoned professionals who have worked in the publishing and entertainment industries for many years. We are committed to bringing projects to fruition with innovation and excellence.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Nelson Cover, Author of 'All Mortal Greatness - A Novel'
Nelson Cover, Author of 'All Mortal Greatness - A Novel'
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Nelson Cover, Author of 'All Mortal Greatness - A Novel'
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Nelson Cover, Author of 'All Mortal Greatness - A Novel'
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert

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