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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Dan Janal -- Book Coach
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About: I'm Dan Janal. I'm a book coach, developmental editor and book coach for subject matter experts in marketing, personal finance, and wellness. I've written more than a dozen books, including 6 landmark books for Wiley that have been translated into 6 languages. I've spoken on marketing topics and futurism in six countries and four continents and have taught at Berkeley and Stanford. I'm one of the most creative, problem-solving persons you've ever encountered. Now, I help people write their books - as a book coach, developmental editor, and ghostwriter. No matter where you are in the book-writing process, I can help you. See more info at Or read my latest book on how to write a book with AI ethically;
Greg Womack -- Oklahoma Financial Adviser
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About: For over 30 years, Greg Womack has been an active professional in the financial services industry. His business experience teamed with his simple, yet dynamic, delivery of financial core concepts makes him a great guest speaker for any organization. He serves as President and Principal of Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA), an independent registered investment advisory firm. Greg and his dedicated staff focus on providing clients with a wide range of planning services with an emphasis on investment management and fee-based planning. He has authored numerous articles and has been quoted in nationwide publications, including: Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, and
Edward Segal -- 'Whistle-Stop Politics: Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them'
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About: Edward Segal is the country’s top expert on the history of campaign trains and the impact of the trains on politics, journalism, and culture. He is one of the few people to organize a modern-day whistle-stop campaign-train tour. Segal served as a campaign manager, press secretary, and aide to Democratic and Republican presidential and congressional candidates. He is the bestselling author of Crisis Ahead and has written for, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and other major publications.
Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert
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About: Edward Segal is the bestselling author of the award-winning Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey)and provides crisis management advice and services to companies and organizations. Segal has more than 30 years experience as a crisis management expert, CEO, public relations consultant, journalist, communications director, and press secretary for members of Congress and political candidates. Segal is a Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for and the former marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal's StartUpJournal. He has managed internal and external crisis situations as the CEO of two trade associations; advised and helped others get through a variety of crisis situations ranging from the arrest and firing of CEOs, allegations of sexual harassment, and hate crimes to forged documents, business and personal bankruptcies, and the environment; and conducted crisis management and communication training for hundreds of CEOs.
George H. Hassanzadeh -- Expert in Islamic Matters
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About: George H. Hassanzadeh, born and raised in a Muslim Shi'afamily in Iran, is the author of Iran: Harsh Arm of Islam and is a recognized expert in Islam. He is in the process of releasing a series of books illustrating the distorted Shi'a, jihad, and Shari'a Laws practiced by the alleged infallible Arab Shiite clerics forcing medieval rule and a system of mind control in 21st century Arab and non-Arab nations. George H. Hassanzadeh is a U.S. Army Veteran and lives in California.
U.S. Army War College
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About: Since 1757, the U.S. Army War College has prepared senior military leaders for service at the national and international level in war and peace: Eisenhower, Patton, Halsey, Bradley, Schwarzkopf & o...
InfoCommerce Group -- Specialized Business Information Publishing Expert
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About: InfoCommerce Group Inc.(ICG) is the leading consulting, publishing, conference and research company focused on the data publishing industry. Our tagline, 'Defining the possible ... delivering the practical,' reflects our position of thought leadership within the industry, balanced by many years of front line experience. Our visionary outlook and real-world expertise has been employed by nearly 30 database publishers of all types and sizes in nearly a dozen countries.
Mellanie True Hills -- Health and Productivity Expert -- StopAfib
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About: This best-selling author is your internationally-recognized expert on heart disease, wellness, workplace productivity, stress, life balance, and women's business success. As founder of the American Foundation for Women's Health, she saves lives by sharing her near-death experiences with heart disease and stroke and launched to advocate for patients with atrial fibrillation, a life-threatening irregular heartbeat. Her successful track record as transformation agent includes being a high-tech executive and an Internet pioneer (Dell, Cisco, JCPenney).
Dr. Howard Rankin -- Intuality AI -- Predictive Artificial Intelligence
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About: Dr. Howard Rankin is an expert in psychology, neuroscience and cognition. He is Science Director at IntualtiyAI, a leading predictive analytics company that combines human and artificial intelligence and has a great track record of prediction in financial markets, sports, healthcare and several other applications. Dr. Rankin is also a best selling author who has written, co-written and ghostwritten more than fifty self-help books, as well as 35 academic papers. He is an expert in addiction and behavior change and is also the creator of the How Not to Think podcast and The Miracle Within You radio show as well as a Psychology Today blogger. Dr. Rankin has been featured in many newspapers like the Wall St. Journal and appeared on major TV networks and on shows like 'The View' and ABC's '20/20'.
Carolyn Long -- Angels Over America
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About: 'Angels Over America,' a 9/11 Memorial DVD, celebrates victims and heroes. The 8-minute video by Carolyn K. Long brings an entirely new perspective to this pivotal moment in our nation?s history. 'It is dedicated to an America that lost its innocence on this day, but never its hope,' says Carolyn Long, poet and executive producer of this stirring memorial DVD. 'The events of 9/11 will be a part of the American consciousness forever. How they are held there will shape our future.'
Ocean River Institute, Inc
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About: The Ocean River Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corp, helps people and groups make a difference where they live through environmental stewardship and science. Many environmental issues are best addressed by people taking action in their own communities and regions, not by large, national entities. However, localized or newly formed groups often need help to achieve their goals. Thats where ORI comes in. We maintain a network of ORI Partners, connecting them with resources and services to help them maximize their impact, expand their capacity and weather unanticipated setbacks. ORI Actions and Events offer opportunities to make a difference for environments
Nancy Boyd -- Bright Wings Inc.
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About: Bright Wings, Inc. offers programs that foster healthy personal growth and self development, profitable enterprises, and satisfying lives. Nancy Boyd, its founder, is a Soul Mechanic for people looking for a tune-up. She works with people who want to create the kind of world no one needs to recover from. 'What Is Your Soul Type?' Find out and get a composite report that reveals your opportunities and coping styles at Join the Soul Path Academy for Soul Mastery in Conscious Evolution,and learn how to recover from trauma with Healing The Wanting -- Making the Shift From Grasping to Gratitude. Discover the most powerful force in the Universe at, get free books on healing and empowerment, subscribe to our YouTube channel:, and follow us at
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
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About: Joy S. Pedersen, CEO and Founder of Express Success LLC, is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denomination ordained Minister, and Doctor of Divinity. Archangel Michael appeared before her in 2004 and asked her to write his book, which he dictated, 'Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life,' and join him in a healing practice. Her practice serves individuals and businesses of all sizes to overcome their hidden challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health, and well-being. Her #1 bestseller, 'Clear Your Past and Change Your Future,' speaks of her work with Michael, clearing the cause of darkness and the karma negatively impacting humanity to open up Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013. She now adds training to enlighten and lead people to the light, to help all soar.
Kathryn Brown Ramsperger -- Author & Intuitive Life Coach(R)
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About: After the 9/11 attacks in New York City and my home base of Washington, DC, society focused on 'Ground Zero.' I felt they were missing the point: The world as we knew it was forever changed, not destroyed. Each ONE of us was being called to step up to refashion this new world. That's why I created Ground One LLC: to connect, coach, and collaborate with people all over the world--to build a better world. I'm a journalist, speaker, intuitive coach, book coach, and humanitarian. I'm also the author of the award-winning multicultural novel THE SHORES OF MY SOULS. Together, let's create a little more peace.
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
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About: Nominated vetted and strongly considered for Nobel Peace Prize 2016-2019. Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic interdisciplinary talents as engineer, educator, speaker, businessman, and workshop presenter amaze audiences with empirical insights. His insights have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold. His combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business, political, and academic astuteness. Bob held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national delegate, and electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy. 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics. Unlike the baffled climate experts he can explain the fifteen year 1998-2013 slow global warming and predicts much stronger warming after 2025. See website for other links, and
Ina Hillebrandt -- Author, Publisher, Writing Coach, Speaker
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About: Ina is a nationally known speaker/trainer, bestselling author and publisher, writing coach and editor. Author of 'Pawprints,' IRWIN award winner 'You Are Who You Eat,' illustrated by Dedini, and the original guide, 'How To Write Your Memoirs,' (Toolbox Edition coming), she specializes in memoir, fiction and humor. She, her articles and books, and clients, appear on TV, radio, print and online media. Latest project: 'From The Potato to Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist' by Chester L. Richards (Book 2 June 2025 release), BookFest Award Winner. * * *
Jill Vanderwood
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About: Jill Ammon Vanderwood--gun safety/addiction expert is a Mom’s Choice Award winning author and speaker from SE Idaho, Salt Lake City, Utah areas. She is the author of thirteen books, including Off Target which asks the question: What would you do is someone showed you a loaded gun? On the Rocks and Cheers deal with the question: What should you do if you are offered alcohol? Jill speaks to groups and schools, mostly dealing with the hard topics that affect young adults and middle grade students today. Jill also deals with topics of environmental awareness and bullying. Her goal is to find sponsors to provide her books to schools and bring her information to as many students as possible.
Bryan Rigg, Author of 'Flamethrower--Iwo Jima Medal of Honor Recipient
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About: Dr. Bryan Mark Rigg, the Biographer of Woody Williams, the Last WWII Medal of Honor Recipient and author of FLAMETHROWER. Dr. Rigg is a recipient of the 2002 William E. Colby award for his work Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale earning honors in History; the university subsequently awarded him the Henry Fellowship to study at Cambridge University where he received his MA and PhD. Since then, he has written five acclaimed books on World War II and the Holocaust and his newest title, Conquering Learning Disabilities at Any Age.
Michael Kelley, Technology & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert, Futurist
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About: Michael Kelley, author of The Lost Theory and The Devil's Calling, fell in love with literature and creative writing while at the University of Pennsylvania. He put this passion to the side during a lengthy career on Wall Street, where he worked as a lawyer, built an international business, and founded his own investment management firm. After leaving the financial world, he engaged in studies of quantum physics, Eastern mysticism, and philosophy. From these studies, he developed a 'Theory of Everything' which became the basis of his novels. After years of life in New York City, Michael now lives in the peaceful woods of Dutchess County with his wife and daughter. There, he enjoys meditation, yoga, wine, reading, and hiking, all of which inspire his writing.
Ishi Nobu -- Indpendent Scholar & Spiritual Guru
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About: About the author: Ishi Nobu is a brilliant independent scholar & guru who conveys his deep comprehension of Nature and reality. These efforts are displayed in his comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Nature, human endeavor, and spirituality. His previous books: The Red Pill: Mastering The Matrix; Clarity: The Path Inside; Unraveling Reality: Behind the Veil of Existence; and the 8-book Spokes of the Wheel cycle: The Science of Existence, The Web of Life, The Elements of Evolution, The Ecology of Humans, The Echoes of The Mind, The Fruits of Civilization, The Pathos of Politics, and The Hub of Being. Nobu is renowned for deliberate, incisive scholarship. He has the rare talent of drawing insights from m multiple disciplines and weaving them into a revealing consilience.
John Czingula, Author of 'From Utopia to the American Dream'
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About: Seven-year-old Janos Czingula of Debrecen, Hungary dreamt of being a railroad man, soldier, pilot, engineer, actor, and entrepreneur. Hunkered down with his family, literally dodging the German and Russian bullets piercing the gatekeeper’s house where they hid, survival became his only ambition. He lived through World War II only to be trapped behind the Iron Curtain, unable to realize any of h...
Michael B. Butler, Author of 'Round the World & Across Russia in 21 Days, 30 Years Later.'
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About: The ‘1st Annual Around the World Air Rally’ was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...
David Martorano, M.D. AI & Human Behavior Expert -- Author of 'Immortality--Epocalypse'
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About: David M. Martorano, M.D., is a futurist, inventor, psychiatrist, professor, and artist who divides his time between his home in Wyoming and sailing the Caribbean with his friends and family. Dr. Martorano is a board certified informatician and psychiatrist with extensive experience in management and clinical care. He completed his medical training at Columbia University and his residency in psy...
John G. Kulhavi -- Vietnam War Hero, Businessman
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About: John Kulhavi abides by this expressed commitment to leaving no soldier behind. He stays true to the military values of personal responsibility, duty, honor, and faith,' Author Don Steele says, emphasizing John’s loyal nature. John shows a consistent commitment to his community, providing generous support to Central Michigan University and backing entrepreneurial ventures.
Dr. Judy Gao -- Author of 'Dreams Across Continents -- A Life of Challenges and Triumphs
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About: Dreams Across Continents chronicles Dr. Judy Gao's extraordinary life. Born in China during a period of significant cultural and political upheaval, Judy's early years were marked by the struggles of growing up during the Cultural Revolution. Despite the hardships, she pursued her dream of becoming a doctor, navigating love, heartbreak, and the rigorous demands of medical school. Her father, a ...
Benjamin J. Cohen
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About: Price-CO Law is a boutique, concierge service firm, providing strategic legal advice. Its founding partner, Benjamin J. Cohen, draws on his expert knowledge of real estate, banking, and the distressed asset market, specializing in complex business transactions and commercial litigation. As an attorney, Mr. Cohen has successfully negotiated on behalf of his client's interests to protect millions...
Michael James Geanoulis, Sr. -- Author of 'Amendment Seventeen -- A Blessing or a Curse'
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About: Michael James Geanoulis, Sr. is a former electronics field engineer, a passionate student of American History and Economics, and a dedicated public servant with a strong interest in social issues. ...
Fionne Foxxe Farraday, Author of 'Kairn - Mates of the Alliance'
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About: Fionne Foxxe Farraday is a medical professional working in the area of pulmonary and critical care medicine. After years of working with patients, Farraday faced medical issues in March 2020 that put her on enforced medical leave without call responsibilities. An avid reader, she soon exhausted her list of books and found herself bored with TV, leading her to begin outlining the story that would become KAIRN: Mates of the Alliance. Returning to ICU work during the dark days of the first Covid-19 wave, Fionne continued writing as a way to cope with the intense demands and the losses of countless patients. The writing took on a life of its own as Farraday fashioned the fictional happy endings which were in short supply in the ICU full of Covid-19 patients.
Daniel A. Shyti, Author of 'American Gaslighting - How America is Being Systematically Taught to Hate Itself'
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About: Daniel A. Shyti is a professional speaker, leadership expert, speech coach, political commentator, award winning author, podcaster and patriot. After graduating with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Pratt Institute and serving in the Army for four years, Dan made the transition to private industry. There he dedicated himself to being an effective leader and eventually became a Vice Pre...
Doyle Glass -- History to Life
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About: Doyle Glass is an author, historian, and sculptor dedicated to honoring those who fought for freedom. He is a master at recounting true stories of brave men and women who were outnumbered and out-gunned but continued to battle toe-to-toe with ferocious opponents in war. His first book, Lions of Medina, gives a firsthand account of the sacrifices made by the Marines of Charlie Company during Vietnam. His second book, Swift Sword, chronicles the gut-wrenching story of valiant Marines in Vietnam who endured a horrific firefight isolated on a lone knoll in the Queson Valley. Coming in 2023, Benoist’s War will reveal the harrowing story of Robert Benoist, a famous French Grand Prix World champion in the 1920s and Le Mans race winner in the 1930s, who risked everything as a British secret agent to help rid France of the Nazi occupation during WWII.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Author U -- Judith Briles
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
Dr. Judy Gao -- Author of 'Dreams Across Continents -- A Life of Challenges and Triumphs
Author U -- Judith Briles

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Stevie® Awards Extends The 2025 American Business Awards® Final Entry Deadline The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Winners Announced in 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Yedir Empowers Local Home Chefs With Innovative Food Delivery Solutions The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
The Brooks Group to Sponsor Sales Team Categories in the 19th Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
The Core Problems Holding Events Back Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
What is Periodontics? Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S.
What is an Upper Lip Frenectomy Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S.
2025 Middle East & North Africa Stevie® Award Winners Honored at Ceremony in Ras Al Khaimah The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Beyond the Valley: Promoting Sustainable Adventure Tourism in Pakistan’s Karakoram Region The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher
Sustainable Skincare Solutions Form Botanical Skincare Lab The Stevie Awards -- Michael Gallagher

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