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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
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About: Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA, is an international caregiving expert, advocate, and speaker. For over twenty years, she supported older adults and caregivers by offering in-home care, care management, professional fiduciary services, and expert witness testimony. This unique experience is Wilson's foundation to increase awareness of caregiving and care for older adults. She educates and consults with families and individuals to navigate health care, financial, and legal planning and decision-making. Wilson is a keynote speaker and educator for companies and groups worldwide and collaborates with brands. She is an expert witness in abuse and neglect cases for elder law, estate planning, probate, and personal injury law firms. She hosts The Caring Generation® podcast and is the author of The Caregiving Trap: Solutions for Life’s Unexpected Changes. Contact Pamela by telephone at 303-810-1816 or through her website
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
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About: Nominated vetted and strongly considered for Nobel Peace Prize 2016-2019. Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic interdisciplinary talents as engineer, educator, speaker, businessman, and workshop presenter amaze audiences with empirical insights. His insights have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold. His combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business, political, and academic astuteness. Bob held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national delegate, and electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy. 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics. Unlike the baffled climate experts he can explain the fifteen year 1998-2013 slow global warming and predicts much stronger warming after 2025. See website for other links, and
International Platform Association
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About: The International Platform Association (IPA) was founded in 1831 by American diplomat Daniel Webster (1782-1852) and educator Josiah Holbrook. (1788-1854). Holbrook was the principal founder of the Lyceum movement in 19th Century America. The original name for the IPA in 1831 was the American Lyceum Association. The Lyceum movement was a venue for lectures, debates, and musical, religious, entertainment, and educational presentations for adults. After the Civil War, many lyceums which had been devoted to science and manufacturing advances also opened their doors to vaudeville entertainers. In some ways, the Lyceums of the 19th Century were like C-SPAN today.
Author U -- Judith Briles
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About: AuthorYOU® is a non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers and registered as a 501 (c)6 with the IRS. It's for you to if you want to learn about:…Saving thousands of dollars in mistakes that most authors make; Being able to identify publishing scams and publishing predators before the suck one dollar of your money; Writing a book, resurrecting a book, or just supporting a book; Creating a book that will find a following; Strategizing the steps to be successful; Developing a game-plan that has roots; Designing a book that is the right fit for your audience; Publishing a book that turns heads; Marketing moxie that creates results; Developing Social media strategies that are book and author friendly; Obtaining Publicity tactics that work; Crowdfunding for Authors and Books; Gizmos, gadgets and technology; and Achieving Amazing Results
San Francisco Writers Conference
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About: The San Francisco Writers Conference, one of the finest writers' events in the country, helps writers become published authors and teaches them how to build successful writing careers. Presenters at the event include bestselling authors, literary agents, and respected editors from top publishing houses. With 100+ presenters to 350 attendees, there is optimum interaction with industry professionals in an information-packed weekend. Individual PRE/POST Classes, too! The SFWC is held over President?s Day weekend at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. A second event, the San Francisco Writing for Change Conference is held annually in the fall. SFWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
Author U -- Judith Briles
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Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles
Dr. Robert Reuschlein, Empire and Climate Expert
Author U -- Judith Briles
Author U -- Judith Briles

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
What Will AI Do to Event Professionals’ Jobs in the Next 18 Months? Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
List of 9 Things to Do Before Your Spouse Gets Sick Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
The Core Problems Holding Events Back Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
Dementia Human Rights and Choices Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Winning Back Lost Exhibitors: Strategies for Event Organizers Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
Trapped Taking Care of Someone Else Who is Sick? Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Late Registrations:A Symptom of Weak Events, not a New Norm Warwick H. Davies -- The Event Mechanic -- Meeting Planner
Word Salad Dementia Conversations That Don’t Make Sense Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Is Your Sibling Abusing Power of Attorney? Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
When One Sibling Takes Care of Parents Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker

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