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Arlen Burger Ph.D. -- Organizational Psychologist
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Arlen Burger Ph.D. -- Organizational Psychologist
San Francisco, CA United States
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Arlen Burger Ph.D.
Santa Cruz, CA
United States
Main Phone: (530) 224-1996
Contact Phone: 408-483-1800
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Dr. Arlen Burger, President of Leadership Coaching, has been an advisor to executives for over 20 years. He is well known and respected for his work with CEOs, Board of Directors and other Senior Managers. He specializes in working with leaders who have to manage complex, fast-paced and demanding businesses. Understanding that executives have more demands on their time than they can typically address, he coaches leaders to maintain a rigorous focus on critical path variables that can mean the difference between business success and failure. His in-depth understanding of business and insight into leaders and organizations consistently yields dramatic and sustainable results.

Recognizing that one of the secrets to business success is distributed leadership, Arlen has devoted considerable effort to help companies create cultures where everyone's job is leadership. Demystifying the rhetoric that often surrounds leadership, Arlen helps emerging leaders build skills that are essential in the real world of work. He is the author of two books: Pedal to the Metal Leadership: Accelerate yourself and your team, and Leadership: Helping others to succeed.