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Preston Coleman -- Political Satirist
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Preston Coleman -- Political Satirist
Oxford, MD United States
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Dr. Preston Coleman
Oxford, MD
United States
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Preston Coleman
Preston Coleman
Preston Coleman

 I don't take most things seriously. Religion, politics, economy—bah! Who needs 'em? But satire—SATIRE—that, I take very seriously. Reviewers are calling me the King of Satire; they have my leave to do so. Offended? Good! That's what satire is for. No sacred cows here—just premium ground beef, well done. 'The gods, too, are fond of a joke.' –Aristotle -- Dr. Preston Coleman is a Professor of Communication at Chesapeake College in Maryland. An expert on how charisma can be 'manufactured,' he has a well-documented theory on why someone like Donald Trump can be virtually worshipped by some and reviled by others. He's also a veteran satirist whose work had been making people laugh for nearly three decades. Given the present political climate, let's just say that Dr. Coleman, his wife Suzanne, and their two dogs live somewhere in the Eastern half of the United States.