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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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About: Top keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis has written for Jay Leno’s Tonight Show monologue as well as many other people, places and groups -- radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, and even guests on the Jerry Springer show (her parents are proud). For over 25 years she’s traveled country sharing her unique and practical tips on how to use humor in business (yes it’s a business skill!). Through her humor keynotes on change management, communications, and failure, Jan helps leaders use the power of humor to instantly connect with others, make their message memorable, diffuse tension, and get people to listen. Jan is recognized as a top funny female speaker and comedian. Her keynotes offer plenty of clean humor and sold take-away tips.
Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
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About: Michael J. Herman is 'Mr. Motivation!'® So declares The Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times said, 'He’s The Next Big Thing.' USA TODAY said, 'Michael J. Herman can motivate anyone to achieve anything.' And, CBS declared, 'Herman is America’s Greatest Motivational Force.' But more than just a motivational speaker, Michael J. Herman brings transformation to every audience. With an uncanny ability to connect in ways that manifest change and results, Herman occupies space in the pantheon of great influencers. 'If you can get to where people hurt and need to hear the right message, you can change everything for them' says the undeniable Master of Motivation™. Since 1997 Herman has penned the daily syndicated column The Motivational Minute!® having published more than 9,000 editions. In addition, Herman's prolific writing career has had his books published in more than 25 countries and translated into more than a dozen languages.
Preston Coleman -- Political Satirist
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About: I don't take most things seriously. Religion, politics, economy—bah! Who needs 'em? But satire - SATIRE- that, I take very seriously. Reviewers are calling me the King of Satire; they have my leave to do so. Offended? Good! That's what satire is for. No sacred cows here - just premium ground beef, well done. 'The gods, too, are fond of a joke.' - Aristotle Dr. Preston Coleman is a Professor of Communication at Chesapeake College in Maryland. An expert on how charisma can be 'manufactured,' he has a well-documented theory on why someone like Donald Trump can be virtually worshiped by some and reviled by others. He's also a veteran satirist whose work had been making people laugh for nearly three decades. Given the present political climate, let's just say that Dr. Coleman, his wife Suzanne, and their two dogs live somewhere in the Eastern half of the United States.

Recent News Releases
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Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
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Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Doubtfire Goes Inferno at LA Premier Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
You Can Do It From Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
Marketing Tips from The Super Bowl Ads Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Message In A Bottle, The Extraordinary Dance Show Debuts US Tour @Hollywood Pantages Theater Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
MJ-The Musical Rocks Out Hollywood! Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
The Super Bowl and Your 7 Million Dollar Education Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Funny Humor Article Titled “Mom’s Genius Idea” Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Christmas Memories 2023 Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
How Oprah ALMOST Helped Me Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
400 Square Feet to Success Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert

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