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10 IMpactful Books
Vicki Rackner MD ---  Selling to Doctors Vicki Rackner MD --- Selling to Doctors
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Have you ever noticed that the most successful people you know are readers?

It's no coincidence. A commitment to lifelong learning supports growth. Reading books empowers you to integrate thought leaders into your own personal Mastermind.
Here are 10 books that have help me develop the mindset, skills and habits that have supported my own success. I would highly recommend all of them as you look towards achieving your 2021 plan.

  1. Never Split the Difference
  2. Made to Stick
  3. A Complaint Free World
  4. The Five Love Languages
  5. Learned Optimism
  6. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
  7. How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less
  8. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  9. Grit
  10. The Resilience Factor

What are some of your favorite reads?

PS I'm exploring the level of interest for new services to help community members achieve higher levels of performance in 2021.

What is your level of interest in participating in a Business Book Club?   1= Low to 10 = High
There would be a fee associated with participation, and as a member you would get the book selection delivered to you each month, summaries of my take-aways and ideas about how to apply the pearls of wisdom in your business. 
What level of interest would you have in participating in a Mastermind? 1= Low to 10 = High

Please email me with your level of interest of participating in either program.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Vicki Rackner MD
Group: Targeting Doctors
Dateline: Mercer Island, WA United States
Direct Phone: (425) 451-3777
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