About: For over 30 years, Greg Womack has been an active professional in the financial services industry. His business experience teamed with his simple, yet dynamic, delivery of financial core concepts makes him a great guest speaker for any organization. He serves as President and Principal of Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA), an independent registered investment advisory firm. Greg and his dedicated staff focus on providing clients with a wide range of planning services with an emphasis on investment management and fee-based planning. He has authored numerous articles and has been quoted in nationwide publications, including: Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, and TheStreet.com.
About: Matt McCann, CLTC is a nationally recognized expert in long-term health care planning. Since 1998, he has helped thousands of individuals across the country prepare for the financial and emotional challenges of aging. A licensed Long-Term Care Insurance specialist in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, McCann has worked with many of the nation's top insurance providers to deliver effective long-term care solutions.
He is also the President and CEO of LTC News, a leading online resource offering trusted information, tools, and guidance on aging, caregiving, health, retirement, and long-term care planning. A sought-after speaker, McCann regularly presents at events nationwide and is frequently featured in radio, television, and podcast interviews discussing these important topics.
About: Price-CO Law is a boutique, concierge service firm, providing strategic legal advice. Its founding partner, Benjamin J. Cohen, draws on his expert knowledge of real estate, banking, and the distressed asset market, specializing in complex business transactions and commercial litigation. As an attorney, Mr. Cohen has successfully negotiated on behalf of his client's interests to protect millions...
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Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Author of ‘Resetting Healthcare Post-COVID-19,’ Inte...
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Featured on Tyler Wagner Radio Show
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS Tapped for Expert Panel at PBGH Health Symposium on R...
Theories of Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS on ‘Bleak Reality of Racial Disparity in ...
Solve Racial Disparities in Surgical Outcomes with ‘SurgiQuality’ by Sanjay P...
Sanjay Prasad, MD, FACS, Author of ‘Resetting Healthcare,’ Interviewed by Mar...
About: Post Covid Pandemic Healthcare information Reforms: What do you do when your doctor recommends surgery to you or to a loved one? Do you question their decision? The answer for the vast majority of Americans is no. Most of us have been trained to trust our physicians completely. After all, they’re the experts. They should know best. In his new book, Resetting Healthcare, Dr. Sanjay Prasad examines the lack of transparency in surgical care and offers a solution to the problem: a new, innovative tool called SurgiQuality that connects patients with qualified surgeons, offering second and third opinions, and even suggesting more conservative, non-surgical solutions as appropriate. Dr. Prasad reveals that between 10–20 percent of all surgeries in the US are unnecessary, either because of misdiagnosis or because a more conservative therapy may have been just as or even more effective. “The referral process is the heart of the problem
About: Scott M. Haskins is a internationally renowned professional art conservator whose opinion is often sought and who is often featured in all the media types nationwide. He is an expert witness/legal testimony on art related insurance matters/claims and on private law suits. His clients include the Los Angeles Supreme Court system and the federal government. Mr. Haskins has worked in both Europe and the U.S. as a professional art conservator since 1975. He is the author of the awarded 'Save Your Stuff' series, written to assist the public protect and save valuable possessions from disasters and emergencies. He is a public speaker and conducts webinars, fundraisers, membership drives, docent trainings, seminars and just for entertainment based on the subject of his 4 books and on his other professional activities.
About: Would you like to increase your power of persuasion with physicians? Master B2D Communication? -- Author, speaker and consultant Dr. Vicki Rackner helps you understand how doctors think, quickly build rapport and persuade doctors to 'buy' your ideas, products and services. Whether you work with doctors all day long or you're just breaking onto the physician niche, you can: Dramatically improve your ability to reach physicians, graciously ask for referrals, talk so doctors will listen, craft offers doctors love, avoid the land mines that blow up sales, secure your role as a trusted advisor - Make more sales. Accelerate your business growth by working more effectively with physicians.
About: CECON sources industry's best Business, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Consultants quickly, credibly and economically to address your technical or business need. Project Managers who are technically trained conduct a custom search and leverage the CECON proprietary network of consultants to locate, vet with Clients, and recommend technical experts for your consideration. We highly value rapid response, quick turnaround, and all efforts to shorten business and project timetables.