About: Barbara Morris, R.Ph., is a pharmacist and expert on unique anti-aging strategies. Author of The New Put Old on Hold, her message is for Boomers and others who want to feel and function as as well or better than they do now for another 25 years or more.
About: Dr. Michael Zey, an internationally-recognized sociologist, and future trends/ longevity expert, is the author of Ageless Nation (New Horizon Press Books), The Future Factor (McGraw-Hill/Transaction), Seizing the Future (Simon and Schuster) and numerous articles on social, economic and political trends. Dr. Zey has discussed topics such as longevity, energy, the media and communications, space, and technology on ABC, CNN, CNBC, and FoxNews. He is a noted speaker at trade shows and corporate conferences hosted by Sprint, Prudential, IBM and United Technologies.
About: Jerry Cahn, J.D, PHD is a future-focused serial entrepreneur who has a passion for identifying people’s current and future needs and building systems to help them overcome restrictions and limitations that are limiting you. He devotes his energy to helping adults unleash their potential with 'Age Brilliantly': a community 24/7 interactive platform for people who want to lead fulfilling 100-year lives. It helps members make better decisions about the 6 Life Essentials - health, finance, relationships, passion, purpose and time mastery, as well as applications such as career, learning, travel and leisure. Members come for information, inspiration, resources, support and tools. In addition, Dr. Cahn still operates Mentoring Internships through which he's guided 650+ interns to help them make better career decisions by obtaining real-world experience. Join the movement for a fulfilling 100-Year life at www.agebrilliantly.org
About: Matt McCann, CLTC is a nationally recognized expert in long-term health care planning. Since 1998, he has helped thousands of individuals across the country prepare for the financial and emotional challenges of aging. A licensed Long-Term Care Insurance specialist in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, McCann has worked with many of the nation's top insurance providers to deliver effective long-term care solutions.
He is also the President and CEO of LTC News, a leading online resource offering trusted information, tools, and guidance on aging, caregiving, health, retirement, and long-term care planning. A sought-after speaker, McCann regularly presents at events nationwide and is frequently featured in radio, television, and podcast interviews discussing these important topics.
About: About Dr. P. Albert Chan: Dr. P. Albert Chan, cardiologist and author of Everything About Happy Longevity, Evidence-based Medicine, was born in Hong Kong in 1956. In 1977, Dr. Chan moved to New York where he earned a BA from Binghamton University followed by an MD from New York University School of Medicine. He underwent his cardiology training at University of Pennsylvania. In 1997, Dr. Chan moved to Singapore for 10 years, where he trained cardiologists in a public hospital before starting a private practice.