With a career spanning the Dow Jones 30, The White House, and our nation's top universities, Dr. Joe Sutherland has attracted clients such as Canva, Goldman Sachs, GlaxoSmithKline, Cisco, and Fulcr...
About: Dr. Michael Zey, an internationally-recognized sociologist, and future trends/ longevity expert, is the author of Ageless Nation (New Horizon Press Books), The Future Factor (McGraw-Hill/Transaction), Seizing the Future (Simon and Schuster) and numerous articles on social, economic and political trends. Dr. Zey has discussed topics such as longevity, energy, the media and communications, space, and technology on ABC, CNN, CNBC, and FoxNews. He is a noted speaker at trade shows and corporate conferences hosted by Sprint, Prudential, IBM and United Technologies.
About: Nominated vetted and strongly considered for Nobel Peace Prize 2016-2019. Dr. Bob Reuschlein's futuristic interdisciplinary talents as engineer, educator, speaker, businessman, and workshop presenter amaze audiences with empirical insights. His insights have the potential to transform macroeconomic theory tenfold and also improve global warming theory tenfold. His combine rare basic research and engineering/accounting accuracy with business, political, and academic astuteness. Bob held several political party positions in the state of Oregon: state executive committee, national delegate, and electoral college slate. He graduated from the U.S. third ranked electrical engineering program joining four honor societies. Bob has been listed in various Who's Who five decades. Books: Peace Economics, Strength Through Peace, Real Economy. 25th Anniversary video of Peace Economics. Unlike the baffled climate experts he can explain the fifteen year 1998-2013 slow global warming and predicts much stronger warming after 2025. See website www.realeconomy.com for other links, academia.edu and wordpress.com.
About: Michael Kelley, author of The Lost Theory and The Devil's Calling, fell in love with literature and creative writing while at the University of Pennsylvania. He put this passion to the side during a lengthy career on Wall Street, where he worked as a lawyer, built an international business, and founded his own investment management firm. After leaving the financial world, he engaged in studies of quantum physics, Eastern mysticism, and philosophy. From these studies, he developed a 'Theory of Everything' which became the basis of his novels. After years of life in New York City, Michael now lives in the peaceful woods of Dutchess County with his wife and daughter. There, he enjoys meditation, yoga, wine, reading, and hiking, all of which inspire his writing.
About: The ‘1st Annual Around the World Air Rally’ was the first western or civilian group of general aviation aircraft to circumnavigate while crossing the entire landmass of Russia, but that is only part of the story. Our group was under protection of one of the highest officials, Vice President Rutskoi, in an effort to create updated cultural and business ties between old enemies and new friends. Five days in Moscow and across Siberia we carried the highest authority in our back pocket... but sometimes in some places that was not enough...
About: It's been two plus decades since Founder, Dr. Fred DiUlus, established GLOBAL ACADEMY NETWORK. The NETWORK was launched as part of Dr. DiUlus' doctoral research project at the Union Institute & University in the 90's which saw its first creation, the Center for Ethics & Free Enterprise (CEFE) emerge from the project introducing the first national online program certifications in Applied Ethics and Entrepreneurship. The Landmark programs were followed by what is now known as the Flagship of the Global Academy Network inaugurated in 2000. It is known today as GLOBAL ACADEMY ONLINE, the public image of the Network. As a pioneer online international 'University Builder' of schools colleges and universities, the Flagship was followed by 11 other institutions, all located and managed under the Global Academy Network Umbrella.
About: Mark Lazar was raised in a blue-collar family living below the poverty line, and experienced first-hand the struggles and pressures faced by many families in the United States. Rather than discouraging him, these hardships motivated and gave him ambition, fortitude, and a good work ethic. He began working at age twelve and became a millionaire before age 40. Today, Mark’s passion is helping others become financially independent and prosperous, sharing common-sense principles, values, and strategies that lead to financial success. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, wealth advisor, and Senior Vice President of Investment for Raymond James Advisors. Along with more than twenty-five years in the investment industry, he was an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business from 2002-2017. Mark holds a BS in finance from the University of Utah, and an MBA from the University of Colorado.
About: Johnny Blue Star is the CEO and Founder of New Galaxy Enterprises. It has several divisions that can be found on the navigation bar of www.newgalaxyenterprises.com Business - the business content development division of New Galaxy Enterprises, Inc. New Galaxy Business offers clients professional business services to build websites, social network profiles, press releases, blogs and articles etc. It also offers creative media assistance with non-fiction books, novels, screenplays, television pilots, etc. Johnny's work encompasses client-based, collaborative and proprietary projects. Thes broadcasting site (www.newgalaxybroadcasting.com), encompassszholistic health, spirituality, transformation various podcasts, encompassing business development, holistic health; manifestation and spirituality and other topics central to developing a lifestyle and perspective suitable to today's challenges.
About: Robbie Kellman Baxter is a consultant, a keynote speaker and the bestselling author of "The Membership Economy" (McGraw-Hill 2015) and the forthcoming book "The Forever Transaction" (McGraw-Hill 2020).
She is globally recognized as the leading expert on membership models and subscription pricing. Clients have included Netflix, Electronic Arts, the NBA and the Wall Street journal, as well as dozens of venture-backed companies. Over the past 18 years, Baxter's firm, Peninsula Strategies has advised nearly 100 organizations in over 20 industries on topics including growth strategy, customer retention, pricing and customer success.