About: With a career spanning the Dow Jones 30, The White House, and our nation's top universities, Dr. Joe Sutherland has attracted clients such as Canva, Goldman Sachs, GlaxoSmithKline, Cisco, and Fulcrum Equity Partners. Sutherland founded Emory University’s Center for AI Learning, where he is the principal investigator for the U.S. AI Safety Institute, established by President Biden to lead the U.S. agenda for AI. He is the bestselling author of Analytics the Right Way: A Business Leader's Guide to Putting Data to Productive Use. Joe can discuss: What AI actually is, and what it isn't; Why the stories you hear from big tech are only half true; How to avoid the common trap of delegating incisive business thought to machines; Why you can’t always trust what your vendors and consultants tell you about AI; Predictions for AI in 2025 (topics: stocks, economy, jobs, culture, education, workplace, national security, regulation, innovation).
About: Looking for someone to give you 'The Why' behind what's happening and what's next? Gioia can do that for you. High content thought leader and Celebrity Futurist who will demystify complicated workforce and workplace issue and trends. Available 24/7, highly responsive and deadline-sensitive. Articulate Certified Management Consultant, she's upbeat about the future, with a realistic focus on employee turnover, labor shortages, corporation of the future, and similar current issues. Author of recent books on management and near-term future, including 'Impending Crisis,' 'How to Become an Employer of Choice,' 'Lean & Meaningful,'and 'How to Choose Your Next Employer.' The Herman Group helps organizations and their leaders prepare for tomorrow. Gioia has been on local and national TV more than 70 times and is often quoted in the national media, like TIME, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor.
About: Dr. Nilda Perez is an expert futurist, speaker, mentor, trainer, author, and talk show host. Her expertise consists of delving into the trends that shape the future. She prepares entrepreneurs and organizations become future conscious and as a result positioning themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Through foresight business owners discover the opportunities available to them and create breakthrough ideas, initiatives and implement proven business strategies. Dr. Nilda is dedicated to prepare entrepreneurs to become future conscious to design their desired future and catapult their business. Foresight Dr. Nilda Perez is an academically trained Futurist with a Doctorate in Strategic Foresight from Regent University. She is Deputy Director of Global Marketing Outreach of the Association of Professional Futurists. And an adjunct professor at Indiana Wesleyan University's DeVoe School of Business. A Certified Coach specializing in Business Strategies, Executive and Professional Coaching.
Since 1757, the U.S. Army War College has prepared senior military leaders for service at the national and international level in war and peace: Eisenhower, Patton, Halsey, Bradley, Schwarzkopf & o...
About: Dr. Michael Zey, an internationally-recognized sociologist, and future trends/ longevity expert, is the author of Ageless Nation (New Horizon Press Books), The Future Factor (McGraw-Hill/Transaction), Seizing the Future (Simon and Schuster) and numerous articles on social, economic and political trends. Dr. Zey has discussed topics such as longevity, energy, the media and communications, space, and technology on ABC, CNN, CNBC, and FoxNews. He is a noted speaker at trade shows and corporate conferences hosted by Sprint, Prudential, IBM and United Technologies.
About: Michael Kelley, author of The Lost Theory and The Devil's Calling, fell in love with literature and creative writing while at the University of Pennsylvania. He put this passion to the side during a lengthy career on Wall Street, where he worked as a lawyer, built an international business, and founded his own investment management firm. After leaving the financial world, he engaged in studies of quantum physics, Eastern mysticism, and philosophy. From these studies, he developed a 'Theory of Everything' which became the basis of his novels. After years of life in New York City, Michael now lives in the peaceful woods of Dutchess County with his wife and daughter. There, he enjoys meditation, yoga, wine, reading, and hiking, all of which inspire his writing.
About: David M. Martorano, M.D., is a futurist, inventor, psychiatrist, professor, and artist who divides his time between his home in Wyoming and sailing the Caribbean with his friends and family. Dr. Martorano is a board certified informatician and psychiatrist with extensive experience in management and clinical care. He completed his medical training at Columbia University and his residency in psy...
About: It's been two plus decades since Founder, Dr. Fred DiUlus, established GLOBAL ACADEMY NETWORK. The NETWORK was launched as part of Dr. DiUlus' doctoral research project at the Union Institute & University in the 90's which saw its first creation, the Center for Ethics & Free Enterprise (CEFE) emerge from the project introducing the first national online program certifications in Applied Ethics and Entrepreneurship. The Landmark programs were followed by what is now known as the Flagship of the Global Academy Network inaugurated in 2000. It is known today as GLOBAL ACADEMY ONLINE, the public image of the Network. As a pioneer online international 'University Builder' of schools colleges and universities, the Flagship was followed by 11 other institutions, all located and managed under the Global Academy Network Umbrella.
About: Speakerleads.com @SpeakerLeads -- A private Twitter feed for ExpertClick members -- One of the most comprehensive speakers clearing house websites is the International Platform Association (PLATFORM®), which was founded in 1831 by Daniel Webster and is run in partnership with ExpertClick.com. Utilizing information and resources from all the top speaker bureaus, PLATFORM has multi-tiered membership programs, free and paid, and offers a wide variety of benefits.
C. P. Klapper is a scion of the Sherman and Delano families who learned algebra before entering school and who, in his tenth year, early read in political economy and has since solved problems of p...
About: Julie Willis currently resides in Austin, TX. She has a BS in Social Sciences from Washington State University and earned her Executive Master of Professional Studies in Global Strategic Communication from Georgetown University. She has previously worked as a Strategic Communications Consultant for Army Futures Command, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense Inspecto...
About: Mark Lazar was raised in a blue-collar family living below the poverty line, and experienced first-hand the struggles and pressures faced by many families in the United States. Rather than discouraging him, these hardships motivated and gave him ambition, fortitude, and a good work ethic. He began working at age twelve and became a millionaire before age 40. Today, Mark’s passion is helping others become financially independent and prosperous, sharing common-sense principles, values, and strategies that lead to financial success. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, wealth advisor, and Senior Vice President of Investment for Raymond James Advisors. Along with more than twenty-five years in the investment industry, he was an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business from 2002-2017. Mark holds a BS in finance from the University of Utah, and an MBA from the University of Colorado.
About: Thomas H. Greco, Jr. is a preeminent scholar, author, educator, and community economist, who, for more than 40 years, has been working at the leading edge of transformational restructuring. He is widely regarded as a leading authority on moneyless exchange systems, community currencies, financial innovation, and community economic development, and is a sought after speaker internationally. He has traveled widely in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas, lecturing, teaching, and advising.