About: For over 30 years, Greg Womack has been an active professional in the financial services industry. His business experience teamed with his simple, yet dynamic, delivery of financial core concepts makes him a great guest speaker for any organization. He serves as President and Principal of Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA), an independent registered investment advisory firm. Greg and his dedicated staff focus on providing clients with a wide range of planning services with an emphasis on investment management and fee-based planning. He has authored numerous articles and has been quoted in nationwide publications, including: Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, and TheStreet.com.
About: James D. Feldman, CSP, PCS, CPT, CITE, is the creator of Shift Happens! James D. Feldman, is a customer service expert who has spent over 30 years helping businesses create exceptional customer experiences. James is a renowned speaker, author, and consultant passionate about delivering practical strategies companies can use to win customers and keep them for life. With his engaging speaking style and wealth of experience, James can help your business take its customer service to the next level. He is the author of 13 books, delivered over 1,000 presentations and has written dozens of articles ranging from romance scams to innovative problem-solving to enriching the employee and customer experience. He has worked with various industries, including automotive, HBA, fast food, tourism, retail, hospitality, and healthcare.
About: Internationally acclaimed innovation and growth expert Val Wright was named as one of the top 50 resources for Chief Operating Officers by ClickSoftware. She is one of only 64 experts inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant® Hall of Fame. The global clients who have requested her help include Starbucks, LinkedIn, Amazon, francesca’s, Microsoft, Financial Times, Gartner, and the LA Lakers. Val’s corporate experience includes tenures during dramatic growth periods at Amazon, BMW, and Xbox. Val participated on the small team that created the fastest-selling device of all time, Kinect for Xbox, which won a Guinness Book of World Record, selling over 20 million devices. This contributed to the turnaround of Microsoft’s Entertainment business from a billion-dollar loss to a multimillion-dollar profit machine. Val’s books include Thoughtfully Ruthless, Rapid Growth Done Right, and Words That Work. She is a regular contributor on CNBC, WSJ, BBC News, Fox Business News, Inc. Magazine.
About: WHAT I DO: For over 30 years, help Small and Middle Market executives and business leaders make & keep more money with less risk by providing access to best in business niche experts when you find that next pain point, challenge or opportunity. WHO I WORK WITH: Leaders whose organization sometimes feels like a best kept secret, coasting on past success, or just stuck, helping leaders. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT: Unlock cash-flow and increase profitability with access to 100 best-of-the-best experts, often better and cheaper than incumbents. Save yourself an expensive time-consuming period of trial and error by taking advantage of Gary's global work with over 200 companies, 30 years of business experience in every major C-Suite role, growing equity value and sustainable bottom line profitability. READY TO TALK: Imagine what I could do for you. Start making better, more profitable, business decisions, email gary@FiscalDoctor.com or call 678-319-4739
About: Samuel L Waltz Jr, Greenville, DE, is a nationally known business and civic leader who is founder of Alliance1099.org LLC, a Professional Society for 1099 Independent Contractors. A Vietnam-era Veteran of US Army CounterIntelligence, he is an early-out DuPont Co External Affairs executive who in 1993 founded SamWaltz.com Strategic Capital & Business Counsel (www.SamWaltz.com), a business and public affairs consultancy. Later, he served in 1999 as the elected global and national president and board chair of his own professional society for business communications and public affairs, the Public Relations Society of America (www.PRSA.org). RUNNING TO TROUBLE is the working title of Sam Waltz’ autobiography. It describes a life shaped by his experiences as a farm boy and small town native, ...
About: Dr. Nilda Perez is an expert futurist, speaker, mentor, trainer, author, and talk show host. Her expertise consists of delving into the trends that shape the future. She prepares entrepreneurs and organizations become future conscious and as a result positioning themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Through foresight business owners discover the opportunities available to them and create breakthrough ideas, initiatives and implement proven business strategies. Dr. Nilda is dedicated to prepare entrepreneurs to become future conscious to design their desired future and catapult their business. Foresight Dr. Nilda Perez is an academically trained Futurist with a Doctorate in Strategic Foresight from Regent University. She is Deputy Director of Global Marketing Outreach of the Association of Professional Futurists. And an adjunct professor at Indiana Wesleyan University's DeVoe School of Business. A Certified Coach specializing in Business Strategies, Executive and Professional Coaching.
Since 1757, the U.S. Army War College has prepared senior military leaders for service at the national and international level in war and peace: Eisenhower, Patton, Halsey, Bradley, Schwarzkopf & o...
About: This best-selling author is your internationally-recognized expert on heart disease, wellness, workplace productivity, stress, life balance, and women's business success. As founder of the American Foundation for Women's Health, she saves lives by sharing her near-death experiences with heart disease and stroke and launched www.StopAfib.org to advocate for patients with atrial fibrillation, a life-threatening irregular heartbeat. Her successful track record as transformation agent includes being a high-tech executive and an Internet pioneer (Dell, Cisco, JCPenney).
About: Kevin Eikenberry is a Leadership and Remote/Hybrid Work Expert, Virtual Speaker, Trainer, Author and Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group and co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute. For over 30 years, The Kevin Eikenberry Group has been a thought-leader in leadership learning, specializing in creating and developing organizational leaders at every level - from new supervisors to C-level executives. Through our workshops, suite of leadership products and resources, blogs, podcast, webinars and e-learning, we can help you tackle nearly any leadership development issue, from training new supervisors to teaching leaders how to effectively communicate with remote employees. Whether it's through our training, consulting, coaching or speaking services, we help leaders make a bigger difference for their organizations, their teams, and themselves.
About: Jerry Cahn, J.D, PHD is a future-focused serial entrepreneur who has a passion for identifying people’s current and future needs and building systems to help them overcome restrictions and limitations that are limiting you. He devotes his energy to helping adults unleash their potential with 'Age Brilliantly': a community 24/7 interactive platform for people who want to lead fulfilling 100-year lives. It helps members make better decisions about the 6 Life Essentials - health, finance, relationships, passion, purpose and time mastery, as well as applications such as career, learning, travel and leisure. Members come for information, inspiration, resources, support and tools. In addition, Dr. Cahn still operates Mentoring Internships through which he's guided 650+ interns to help them make better career decisions by obtaining real-world experience. Join the movement for a fulfilling 100-Year life at www.agebrilliantly.org
We Help You Get IN! -- Pam Rambo helps high school and college students determine the right major for their interests and skill sets, pinpoints the colleges that will best meet their needs and ide...
About: Dr. Lisa Aldisert believes that leadership is a mindset. That’s why as an executive advisor, she teaches leaders to embrace leadership in from the practical to the conceptual. Working closely with her clients, Aldisert helps develop leaders' ability to build character, trust instincts, leverage communication skills, enhance original thinking and respect time. When these leadership skills are unleashed, leaders have less fear, more wins and overall greater velocity in their careers. She works primarily with entrepreneurs, executives, business owners and practice professionals. Dr. Aldisert is available to comment on Leadership is a Mindset as well as executive women in business, family-owned enterprises and the changing face of the United States workforce. She is the author of 'Valuing People: How Human Capital Can Be Your Strongest Asset' and 'Leadership Reflections - 52 Leadership Practices in the Age of Worry.'
About: Gayle Lantz is an leadership expert and executive coach who helps organizations improve performance. She provides organizational consulting, strategic planning, executive coaching and speaking services in areas related to leadership and career development, team improvement and cultural change. Clients include such organizations as NASA, Microsoft, Southern Company and BBVA Compass Bank. Her articles have been featured in a variety of business publications around the world. Gayle Lantz is author of 'Take the Bull by the Horns: The Busy Leader's Action Guide to Growing Your Business . . . and Yourself.' She is also creator of The Leadership Journal.
About: Lisa Anderson, President of LMA Consulting Group is a manufacturing and supply chain expert. Known as The Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain, Lisa works with companies to bridge the gap between supply chain strategy and execution to dramatically improve service levels, accelerate cash flow and maximize profits. She partners to improve supply chain and operational efficiencies through the implementation of process improvement programs such as Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning (S&OP/SIOP) and in selecting, leveraging and implementing ERP Systems. She is a frequent guest speaker on Supply Chain issues, the author of several eBooks and Special Reports like Thriving in 2022: Learning from Supply Chain Chaos and is widely interviewed and quoted by national news.
About: Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, NCG, CSA, is an international caregiving expert, advocate, and speaker. For over twenty years, she supported older adults and caregivers by offering in-home care, care management, professional fiduciary services, and expert witness testimony. This unique experience is Wilson's foundation to increase awareness of caregiving and care for older adults. She educates and consults with families and individuals to navigate health care, financial, and legal planning and decision-making. Wilson is a keynote speaker and educator for companies and groups worldwide and collaborates with brands. She is an expert witness in abuse and neglect cases for elder law, estate planning, probate, and personal injury law firms. She hosts The Caring Generation® podcast and is the author of The Caregiving Trap: Solutions for Life’s Unexpected Changes. Contact Pamela by telephone at 303-810-1816 or through her website www.pameladwilson.com
About: Ina is a nationally known speaker/trainer, bestselling author and publisher, writing coach and editor. Author of 'Pawprints,' IRWIN award winner 'You Are Who You Eat,' illustrated by Dedini, and the original guide, 'How To Write Your Memoirs,' (Toolbox Edition coming), she specializes in memoir, fiction and humor. She, her articles and books, and clients, appear on TV, radio, print and online media. Latest project: 'From The Potato to Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist' by Chester L. Richards (Book 2 June 2025 release), BookFest Award Winner. * http://InaTheMemoirCoach.com * http://InasPawprints.com * http://tinyurl.com/INA-AUTHOR
About: Matt McCann, CLTC is a nationally recognized expert in long-term health care planning. Since 1998, he has helped thousands of individuals across the country prepare for the financial and emotional challenges of aging. A licensed Long-Term Care Insurance specialist in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, McCann has worked with many of the nation's top insurance providers to deliver effective long-term care solutions.
He is also the President and CEO of LTC News, a leading online resource offering trusted information, tools, and guidance on aging, caregiving, health, retirement, and long-term care planning. A sought-after speaker, McCann regularly presents at events nationwide and is frequently featured in radio, television, and podcast interviews discussing these important topics.
Steve is a public speaker and writer. He has extensive experience in marketing, as a columnist and feature writer, state representative, meeting facilitator, lecturer and public speaker. He is curr...
About: Julia S. Demkowski MBA, CMC® is the founder and CEO of Stanford Management Consulting, aka Stanford, LLC. A leading business expert and founder of the Boot Camp Series: Fitness for Your Business, including the Fiscal Fitness program, Julia teaches business owners and executives how to develop and implement strategies for improved performance, growth, and profitability. A trusted advisor to companies seeking effective strategies to streamline and reengineer business operations, control costs, eliminate waste, and successfully manage by objectives, Julia has, for over 30 years, guided companies in strategic planning, financial and business analysis, organizational policy and procedure development, and executive coaching. Via insightful techniques and solid business analysis, she has a talent for quickly identifying opportunities for change and improvements that help business owners and executives make sound decisions leading to business productivity, efficiency, and profitability.
About: Albert Goldson is CEO of the Cerulean Council, a NYC-based think-tank that provides contrarian perspectives with counter-intuitive solutions. He regularly provides prescient, over-the-horizon geopolitical and urban risk assessments and investment strategies. Mr. Goldson’s memberships in a wide-spectrum of professional organizations gives him access to influencers and policy-makers at the highest levels. Furthermore Mr. Goldson is a contributing writer, is quoted widely in the international media, and is a regular guest expert panelist on podcasts and TV.
About: About Linda Jensen: Linda R. Jensen, CEPA CFF CLU ChFC LUTCF CLTC CSA CFEd, is the principal and owner of Heart Financial Group as well as a certified Exit Planning Advisor. Linda began her career with Prudential Preferred in 1994 where she was an agency leader. She earned the credentials of Chartered Financial Consultant and Chartered and Chartered Life Underwriter. Linda is a Certified Financ...
About: A business owner, author, speaker, and influencer, Donna Serdula thrives on empowering people to transform their lives and realize their most sought-after goals. The pioneer of LinkedIn profile optimization, she built the successful website, LinkedIn-Makeover.com more than a decade ago. In that time, she has worked with more than 6,000 executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals, utilizing a talented team of over 30 writers, coaches, and branding specialists to bring dynamic brand storytelling to the masses. Donna and her team act as a board of futurists/creative thinkers/global brand advocates for their clients, by designing success strategies that cross industries and change lives.
About: Travel to Mumbai, India Vicariously Through the Eyes of a World Traveler Who’s Been to all Seven Continents. Fall in love with India and the bustling city of Mumbai. Learn about the city and it veritable feast of commerce, people, and danger which make up India’s most populous city and financial capital. 'What stands out about Mumbai is that it is perpetually open for business. People can look for opportunities and count on them. There is huge encouragement everywhere,' says Ajay Kaul, author of Mumbai Matinee, a truth-based fiction that acts as both memoir and travelogue.
About: Would you like to increase your power of persuasion with physicians? Master B2D Communication? -- Author, speaker and consultant Dr. Vicki Rackner helps you understand how doctors think, quickly build rapport and persuade doctors to 'buy' your ideas, products and services. Whether you work with doctors all day long or you're just breaking onto the physician niche, you can: Dramatically improve your ability to reach physicians, graciously ask for referrals, talk so doctors will listen, craft offers doctors love, avoid the land mines that blow up sales, secure your role as a trusted advisor - Make more sales. Accelerate your business growth by working more effectively with physicians.
About: Gail Rubin, CT, is a pioneering death educator who starts serious conversations with humor, film clips and outside the box activities. She's a speaker, author, Before I Die Festival pioneer, and Certified Funeral Celebrant. Her motto: 'Talking about sex won't make you pregnant, talking about funerals won't make you dead.' As The Doyenne of Death (R), she helps families reduce stress, minimize conflict, save money and create a meaningful, memorable 'good goodbye.' She's the author of A GOOD GOODBYE: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don't Plan to Die, KICKING THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die, and HAIL AND FAREWELL: Cremation Ceremonies, Templates and Tips. She also created The Newly-Dead Game (R) to help families learn their loved ones' last wishes. Learn more at www.AGoodGoodbye.com.
About: Since its founding in 2000, BizBash Media has become the event industry's leading source for inspiration, smart marketing strategies, and useful tools, helping to revolutionize the ways event professionals get ideas and connect with each other. BizBash serves six major markets in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, Florida, and Washington, D.C. The BizBash National Venue Guide covers an additional 16 markets. BizBash also hosts event planner expos in New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
About: Some people call me the Collaboration Queen,
most people call me the Connector. As a global
connector with two decades of experience, I
encouraged CEOs and entrepreneurs to
implement their ideas through strategic
I discovered a powerful truth: when visionaries
partner with the right experts, magic happens.
But finding that perfect match traditionally took
months of searching and vetting. That's why I
created the LinktoEXPERT Collaborative Cloud
Community – a place where ambitious leaders
can discover, evaluate, and collaborate with
verified experts in minutes.
Today, they call me the Queen of Collaborations
because together we make expert connections
that turn big dreams into exciting realities. I
challenge you to utilize our Collaborative Cloud
Community anytime from anywhere to
accelerate your success.
About: CECON sources industry's best Business, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Consultants quickly, credibly and economically to address your technical or business need. Project Managers who are technically trained conduct a custom search and leverage the CECON proprietary network of consultants to locate, vet with Clients, and recommend technical experts for your consideration. We highly value rapid response, quick turnaround, and all efforts to shorten business and project timetables.
About: Serial entrepreneur and vagabond TIM FERRISS has been featured by dozens of media, including The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, NBC, and MAXIM. He speaks six languages, runs a multinational firm from wireless locations worldwide, and has been a popular guest lecturer at Princeton University since 2003, where he presents entrepreneurial thinking (even as an employee) as a tool for ideal lifestyle design and world change. The 4-Hour Workweek(www.fourhourworkweek.com) is his first book and magnum opus.
ATTENTION IS CURRENCY, and competition for attention has never been tougher. Does your message cut-through the clutter? Or do you simply blend-into the blah-blah-blah? Media consultant Holland C...