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Don't Assume Long-Term Care Insurance is Expensive
Matt McCann, CLTC -- Long Term Care Expert Matt McCann, CLTC -- Long Term Care Expert
Cincinnati, OH
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Too many people assume things about LTC insurance without consulting a specialist for the facts.

More people are interested in learning about long-term care planning. The reason is simple: they're seeing the need for it firsthand. Whether their parents, other family members, or neighbors, it is hard to avoid these days. Common sense also suggests that as people live longer, the likelihood of you needing help with daily activities or supervision due to dementia increases as you age.

Matt McCann, a nationally known expert on long-term care planning, says that too many people still assume Long-Term Care Insurance is expensive.

"Some of this belief stems from misleading online articles that lack credibility or factual basis. Others simply assume—and you know what happens when you assume."

McCann shares a recent example to illustrate the problem.

"When someone visits my website to request a Long-Term Care Insurance quote—or any website offering LTC Insurance quotes—they usually receive an initial response via email."

McCann says the message states that someone will follow up by asking a few basic health questions and confirming details such as age and gender.

In his case, his assistant makes this initial contact. However, just the other day, within minutes of submitting a request, someone replied to his email saying they've changed their minds and have decided to "self-insure."

First, McCann reminds us that you might self-fund future long-term care expenses, but you can't self-insure. Insurance, by definition, spreads risk across many people.

"Self-funding means you're taking on all the financial risk yourself, and the burden is placed on your adult children, who will decide how to liquidate your assets and what type of care you will receive."

But McCann thought about what could have changed their minds just two minutes after making the request.

"The most likely answer: they made a snap judgment that Long-Term Care Insurance would be too expensive—without even looking at real options."

Truth About LTC Insurance Costs

How do they know it's too expensive? Even if they've spoken to a financial advisor or an insurance agent and received quotes, those quotes may not be accurate or reflect reality.

Long-Term Care Insurance premiums vary significantly between companies.

How Much Does Long-Term Care Insurance Cost at My Age?

Many financial advisors and insurance agents only work with one or two insurers, limiting their ability to provide competitive options.

"Like many Long-Term Care Insurance specialists, I work with all the major carriers that offer long-term care solutions, ensuring my clients get the best possible coverage at the lowest cost."

Underwriting and Policy Design Matter

According to McCann, other key factors in the cost of an LTC policy are underwriting and policy design. Each insurance company has its own underwriting guidelines for LTC Insurance, which determine eligibility and pricing.

2025 Rankings of Top Long-Term Care Insurance Solutions

The better your health, the lower your premium. Premiums are based on several factors, including:

  • Your age
  • Your health status
  • Your family health history
  • The benefits and coverage options you select

Many agents and financial advisors recommend coverage amounts based on nursing home costs. But why? Most long-term care is provided at home, in assisted living facilities, or in memory care—not in an expensive nursing home.

Plus, the cost of care varies dramatically depending on where you live. Those costs can vary within a state.

"This is why I ask many questions and use the LTC News Cost of Care Calculator, which shows the current and projected cost of care services where you live - or plan on living."

A Smarter Approach to Planning

Many agents also lack an understanding of how Long-Term Care Insurance policies are actually used at the time of claim. Most long-term care is delivered at home or in assisted living. Those costs are usually much lower than a skilled nursing home. Besides - who wants to go to a nursing home? Nobody!

"My philosophy is to take a catastrophic situation and make it manageable. Instead of focusing solely on nursing home costs, I consider the cost of care where you live—or where you plan to live—focusing on home care and assisted living."

McCann says that the goal is to ensure that between your LTC Insurance policy and a portion of your future Social Security income, you can afford quality long-term care service in the setting you desire without draining your assets, changing your lifestyle, and becoming a burden on your family.

"Most of my clients tell me they were surprised by how affordable LTC Insurance policy can be—once they spoke with a true specialist."

Buying Younger = Lower Costs

The earlier you secure coverage, the lower your premiums will be. That's why most people purchase LTC Insurance in their 40s, 50s, or early 60s.

Types of Long-Term Care Insurance Policies - Which is Best For You

There are also hybrid LTC policies that include life insurance benefits. These policies tend to be more expensive because they include a death benefit.

"There are some people who like the idea of getting money back no matter what - even if they pay a little more for the policy to start with."

Other clients. McCann says, want their LTC Insurance policy to provide virtually no risk to them, unlimited long-term care benefits, and high monthly amounts to avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

"Paying a little more might be a worthwhile trade-off for those who want less risk and larger guaranteed big benefits with a death benefit. You get to decide after being educated on your options."

There are also tax benefits for some people, which make an LTC policy even more affordable.

LTC Insurance Tax Deduction Amounts and HSA Contribution Limits for 2025

McCann also notes that even smaller policies can be very helpful for you and your family. Most states have partnership plans that offer additional dollar-for-dollar asset protection.

Why Middle-Class Americans Should Plan for Long-Term Care

The bottom line: Don't assume Long-Term Care Insurance is too expensive without exploring your real options with a real specialist. A conversation with a specialist could change your perspective—and your future—preserving your independence and legacy and allowing your loved ones to have the time to be family instead of caregivers.

Get Professional Planning Help

Matt McCann is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, representing top-rated insurance companies that provide long-term care solutions.

His innovative approach allows clients to consult with him over the phone while viewing his computer screen, ensuring a convenient and transparent process for learning about, exploring, and selecting the best options.

You can get free and accurate quotes from all the top companies, along with professional recommendations -  Free and Accurate LTC Insurance Quotes.

Media Availability

McCann is available for radio, TV, and podcast interviews. He also speaks to groups and organizations worldwide on the issues of aging, caregiving, health, and long-term care. 

Contact McCann through his website for information.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Matt McCann, CLTC
Title: President
Group: McCann Insurance Services, Inc
Dateline: Darien, IL United States
Direct Phone: 630-487-2480
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