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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
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About: The Institute of Management Consultant USA (IMC USA) is a 53-year certifying body and diverse membership organization. IMC USA helps management consultants startup, scale up and sustain their practices through community, professional development and visibility. IMC USA is a founding member of an international federation, The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes comprised of 50 countries, 64,000 consultants and 8,200 certified members. The Certified Management Consultant® credential is recognized and respected globally as a mark of professionalism, competency and ethical standards. The CMC® communicates to clients that you are a trusted, knowledgeable, confident and valued resource to help achieve their goals.
William R. Griffin -- Cleaning Consultant Services
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About: Bill Griffin of Cleaning Consultant Services is enthusiastic and often outspoken about cleaning and small business. He's an entertaining and thought provoking guest. He's available on short notice and a guest that your audience won't soon forget. His quick wit and sense of humor are engaging for call-ins, live audiences and demonstrations. He provides training, consulting and speeches to cleaning industry and small business audiences. He's the world's leading authority on cleaning and maintenance, having published 10 books and over 200 articles.
National Speakers Association
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About: National Speakers Association (NSA) members are experts in a variety of fields and are ideal sources for expert commentary and thought-provoking interviews. As a service to media professionals, NSA will assist you with your media needs and set you up with the perfect source for your story. You can also go online to to access our online membership directory, Find a Speaker. Find a Speaker allows you to search by keyword, name, location or one of our many main topics. Additionally, NSA offers quick access to events, books for purchase and our international speakers.
Sam Waltz, APR, Fellow PRSA
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About: Samuel L Waltz Jr, Greenville, DE, is a nationally known business and civic leader who is founder of LLC, a Professional Society for 1099 Independent Contractors. A Vietnam-era Veteran of US Army CounterIntelligence, he is an early-out DuPont Co External Affairs executive who in 1993 founded Strategic Capital & Business Counsel (, a business and public affairs consultancy. Later, he served in 1999 as the elected global and national president and board chair of his own professional society for business communications and public affairs, the Public Relations Society of America ( RUNNING TO TROUBLE is the working title of Sam Waltz’ autobiography. It describes a life shaped by his experiences as a farm boy and small town native, ...
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP -- The Herman Group
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About: Looking for someone to give you 'The Why' behind what's happening and what's next? Gioia can do that for you. High content thought leader and Celebrity Futurist who will demystify complicated workforce and workplace issue and trends. Available 24/7, highly responsive and deadline-sensitive. Articulate Certified Management Consultant, she's upbeat about the future, with a realistic focus on employee turnover, labor shortages, corporation of the future, and similar current issues. Author of recent books on management and near-term future, including 'Impending Crisis,' 'How to Become an Employer of Choice,' 'Lean & Meaningful,'and 'How to Choose Your Next Employer.' The Herman Group helps organizations and their leaders prepare for tomorrow. Gioia has been on local and national TV more than 70 times and is often quoted in the national media, like TIME, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor.
James O. Rodgers, PhD, FIMC -- The Diversity Coach(tm)
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About: James O. Rodgers Ph.D., FIMC is an engineer, a business strategist, and a scholar. As the leading advocate for diversity management as a strategy he promotes the idea of 'Deliberate Diversity' as a catalyst for improving business results. He is the author of the groundbreaking book, 'Managing Differently: Getting 100% From 100% of Your People 100% of the Time.' Rodgers is a veteran management consultant with over 400 engagements in over 250 client organizations. That experience coupled with constant research 'outside the field' creates a rich learning opportunity for his clients and fellow practitioners. He is an author, speaker, coach, and world-class consultant. In addition to his carefully-selected client work, he speaks regularly at industry and professional conferences sharing the wisdom acquired by working with so many excellent leaders who still want to get better. Jim is also a spiritual teacher and a non-profit leader.
Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability
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About: Looking to combine profitability with making the world better? Green/social change profitability/marketing consultant, copywriter, and international speaker Shel Horowitz of can help: licensing content, providing informational programs and materials, even walking you through specific steps to create profitable products and services that affordably and ethically address issues like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. Offering resources to excite and activate environmentally and socially conscious consumers AND practitioners, Shel is the award-winning primary author of Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, and eight other books including Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World.
Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
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About: Linda Popky, President of Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. is a senior marketing professional, author, speaker, and educator who helps transform organizations through powerful marketing results. Leverage2Market works with a wide range of organizations from startups and small businesses to Fortune 100 companies to get the best possible return on each marketing investment. She is an executive director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting.
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
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About: Dr. Louis Perron is a political scientist and consultant based in Switzerland. During the past years, he has won more than two dozen competitive election and referenda campaigns in six countries. His clients include presidents, senators, congressmen, governors and mayors. He is the author of the book 'How to Overcome the Power of Incumbency in Election Campaigns'. Earlier in his career, Louis earned a M.A. in political management at the George Washington University in Washington D.C. He is blogging about the art & science of successful election and referenda campaigns, political marketing, public opinion research and crisis management at
National Association of Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
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About: NABOE provides educational opportunities with featured presentations of key importance to business owners. NABOE events target audiences of senior executives of privately held companies, a target business demographic that represents over 50% of our country's GNP and is a major force in innovation and job creation. We have a global outlook in our presentations and we tap the business, political and scientific research world-wide that can help your business run more efficiently and profitably. And, we do it with style!
Ford Saeks - Business Growth Accelerator
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About: As one of the worlds' 'Top Business Growth Experts', Ford Saeks specializes in helping organizations find, attract and keep their customers through innovative Internet Marketing & Social Media Marketing strategies. He is the 'go-to' guy when you want to increase targeted lead generation that converts into sales and profits. He has helped thousands of people monetize their websites and social media networking efforts implementing strategies that produce measurable results. Audiences love Ford's interactive approach, fun style and action-oriented focus that allows participants to leave with ideas and action steps that they can implement to produce immediate results.

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
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Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
Institute of Management Consultants USA (IMC USA)
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Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
The Democrats Have a Moment Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability
Independence From Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
Would Jefferson, Franklin, and Paine recognize this fight? Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability
There is NO Knight in Shining Armor for the Democrats Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability
Up for Debate From Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc. Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
A Teachable Moment Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
Saying Bye to the Say Hey Kid Linda Popky - Leverage2Market Associates, Inc.
5 Powerful Ways BombBomb Video Messaging Transforms Your Business Communication Ford Saeks - Business Growth Accelerator
The Silver Lining in an Ugly Insult Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant - Going Beyond Sustainability

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