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A Great Business Tip from Online Dating
Vicki Rackner MD ---  Selling to Doctors Vicki Rackner MD --- Selling to Doctors
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I asked my 23-year-old son what he wanted for his birthday. He said, "A girlfriend."

I witnessed the struggles he faced as he tried to figure out HOW to meet and connect with people in this world of physical distancing.

After considering buying him a blow-up doll as a gag gift, I thought about how I could help my son get what he really wants. So, for his birthday I offered to hire him a dating coach.

I regularly hire coaches to get faster results--with fewer missteps. 

I sent my son the names of three coaches and suggested he interview them. He called me last night with excitement. He interviewed a coach he REALLY likes. He said, "But there's a catch. She's really expensive!"  And he was right! Her fee is $3K a month. 

My first thought was, "Maybe I chose the wrong profession!" My second thought was, "How does this coach deliver enough value to justify this fee?" I visited her web site and ordered her recent book about finding your soulmate online.

This book is an absolute treasure chest of tips for building relationships in this world of physical distancing that have direct applications in your business. 

Here's a single worthy tip that you can immediately apply. 

In the book, the dating coach says, "My clients want to know, 'Do you have a little black book of people to whom you could make an introduction?' I tell them, 'I don't, but you do. It's the list of people who are already in your life. In my experience, 35% of my successful clients marry people they knew before they started their soulmate search.'  They don't believe me, but I tell the to trust me and just go through the exercise of making lists of people in different parts of their lives. Sure enough, one out of three of my clients will marry someone they already knew, but just never saw as life partner material."

What if your next doctor client was referred to you by somebody who already knows, likes and trusts you?

Consider launching a campaign to tap into the "family, friends and fans bucket of leads." 

This is the time of year when many people send out holiday greetings. What if you adopt a spirit of service and say in your holiday card, "You may not know this about me, but I'm committed to serving the doctors who serve the community. With elective cases being cancelled again, many physicians are facing financial uncertainty. Should you know any doctors, please let them know that I have some free educational resources to help them navigate these difficult times." Then you could decide what those resources would be. A great option is a digital copy of my book The 9 Money Mistakes Doctors Make. You can click here to read the book online. 

Stay tuned for more training about how to build relationships online. This key skill will support your success in 2021. And consider reading a book about online dating to get some great tips for online relationship-building!

Maybe I AM a dating coach after all! A BUSINESS dating coach for people who want more doctor clients.
I am grateful for your participation in the Targeting Doctors community and your commitment to serving doctors.  Thank you!! Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving. 

My best,
Dr. Vicki
Vicki Rackner MD


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Name: Vicki Rackner MD
Group: Targeting Doctors
Dateline: Mercer Island, WA United States
Direct Phone: (425) 451-3777
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