Home > NewsRelease > Age Brilliantly Workshop: Plan Now for the Retirement Lifestyle You Want
Age Brilliantly Workshop: Plan Now for the Retirement Lifestyle You Want
Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives Jerry Cahn, PhD, JD - Mentor-Coach to Executives
New York, NY
Wednesday, February 1, 2017



New York, NY – February 1, 2017. Age Brilliantly™, the community platform where adults engage with peers and experts for information and support to live fulfilling lives to 100+, announced that its highly interactive "Transition to Retire Brilliantly" workshop will take place on Sunday, April 30, 2017 in New York City.


"Today, 60 million people are 60+ years old; with 10,000 baby-boomers turning 65 each day for the next 14 years, by 2030, 20% of Americans will be 60-100+," noted Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D., founder of Age Brilliantly and workshop co-leader.  "As the first generation approaching "traditional" retirement age with an expectation that they might live another 30+ years, and with few role models, planning is the key to a fulfilling lifestyle. Countless role models existed for college and career decision; few people have many role models of healthy, fit, financially secure, adventurous, purpose-focused, connected and happy 90 year olds. Therefore, to design a retirement life-plan, you have to ask a number of important questions such as: 'What kind of lifestyle do I want?' 'How do I stay healthy and fit, and manage my financial resources for 30+ years, so I can enjoy it.' How do I maintain personal relationships, continue engaging in meaningful activities, enjoy travel and adventure, continue to learn, choose the best place to live and leave a legacy for others.'"


The "Transition to Retire Brilliantly" (www.RetireBrilliantly.com) workshop helps individuals and couples start the planning process in a supportive, environment guided by expert facilitators and technical experts. The goal is to leave with a flexible and modifiable life plan that can be updated as they advance to 100+."


Age Brilliantly helping mature adults get the most of their "elongated life" to 100+. By providing a community of peers, experts and providers, who offer information, inspiration and support, members can make high quality, holistic decisions to live fulfilling lives. A wide range of issues are discussed, including health, finances, relationships, on-going learning, travel, legacy and new technologies. In addition to the website portal, it sponsors public events, such as the "Transition to Retire Brilliantly" workshop, and corporate education programs focused on serving both the individuals' retirement issues, and corporations focused on productivity and engagement of today's integrated workplace.


"Navigating the transition from a life focused on career and family, to maximizing your post-retirement lifestyle, can be challenging. We're the first generation that needs to address the longevity issues," explained co-leader Jennifer Yanowitz, MSW. "This is a highly interactive workshop; participants explore their own values, strengths and goals through exercises and share with one another for additional insights and experiences. The goal is to better "know ourselves" and commit to pursuing the life we really want; as the saying goes, 'if it's to be, it's up to me'. By the end of the workshop, each person will have a retirement life-plan framework to expand upon over time.  Since it's the beginning of an ongoing process; we also offer an ongoing coaching and action-accountability program to achieve life-long success."


Participants benefit from the unique commitment and expertise of the two workshop leaders and the technical expertise of Age Brilliantly's expert provider team.  Dr. Cahn is a CEO-coach, business consultant, and entrepreneur who also teaches college courses, including Strategy and Psychology of Aging. (See www.linkedin.com/in/jerrycahn.) Ms. Yanowitz, MSW, practices at the New Jersey Psychotherapy Institute; she leverages skills and expertise as an advertising executive with blue-chip clients, focusing on the health and wellness sector. Both have extensive experience fostering creative thinking in workshops and mission-critical meetings. (See linkedin.com/in/jenniferyanowitz.)


For more information and registration details, request the brochure at www.RetireBrilliantly.com and contact jcahn@agebrilliantly.org or 800-493-1334.

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Title: President & Managing Director
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