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An Audience of One
Stan Craig Stan Craig
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Louisville, KY
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

There are over 695,000 status updates on Facebook in a single minute each day.
But who really cares?  Who wants to know any of that information?  It is useless?unless, of course, it pertains to you.
All it takes for a comment to be valuable is to have an audience of one. If one person finds humor, insight, compassion, information that is meaningful, one person makes it important. That is why there are 695,000 updates.  There may be at least one who cares.
There is an audience who cares about you today. Make a comment. Update your status. But, please avoid how many calories you burned today, or what you had for a snack. Not even you really think that is important.
But get in touch.  All you need is an audience of one.
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Name: Stanley L. Craig
Title: Author, Speaker
Group: ForeTalk
Dateline: Ponte Vedra Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 502-384-2330
Cell Phone: 910-540-1447
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