Google Analytics expert and author, Justin Cutroni, joins Jason Hartman of the
Creating Wealth Show to speak on web analytics and how to configure, measure and track website results using Google Analytics.
"The key is measuring how well the website, marketing campaigns and online presence is doing," states Cutroni. "Metrics that relate to conversions, whether it means filling out a form, subscribing, or buying something, are what everyone should be thinking about. Those are the things that impact a business' bottom line."
During the
interview with Jason Hartman on episode 179, Cutroni explains, that marketing experts can no longer rely on website hits alone; instead, they must segment web analytics to measure results of the website accurately. This can be accomplished by using Google Analytics, according to Cutroni, as a result of measuring five key areas of activity: unique visitors, visits, page views, bounce rates and conversions. "Segmenting metrics make the data much more meaningful to a business," Cutroni explains.
Cutroni continues to inform the audience that some of his favorite reports are traffic reports, which contain metrics on direct traffic, referral sources and search engines (paid and organic). Reports such as these, give insight as to how people are finding the website.
One critical item Cutroni mentions during the interview is the reality of reporting data and what it means to a business. He explains that data is meaningful to businesses in a variety of ways and suggests that each business look through the lens of 'what am I trying to do with my business' to accurately configure the analytics for each unique business.
Justin Custroni is the author of "Google Analytics," published by O'Rielly in June 2010 and is also the author of "Performance Marketing with Google Analytics," published by Wiley in 2010.
Creating Wealth Show has featured many recognizable names in recent years including Pat Buchanan, Robert Kiyosaki, Addison Wiggin, Michael Gerber, Michael Munger, Peter Schiff and many others. The
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