Home > NewsRelease > Andover Newton's Third Online Annual Report, Showcasing a Year of Excellence and Inclusivity
Andover Newton's Third Online Annual Report, Showcasing a Year of Excellence and Inclusivity
EYMER BRAND Laboratories & Think Tank EYMER BRAND Laboratories & Think Tank
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Scituate, MA
Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Continuing our fifteen-year collaborative partnership with Andover Newton Theological School (now permanently affiliated with Yale University), we recently completed the school's third online annual report.

The website provides details provided by school leaders, students, and alumni/ae concerning significant events during Fiscal Year 2023. From a fundraising standpoint, the site recognizes the generosity of those who have contributed financially to the recently renamed Andover Newton Seminary at Yale University Divinity School.


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Name: Douglas D. Eymer
Title: Creative Director
Group: EYMER BRAND Laboratories
Dateline: Scituate, MA United States
Direct Phone: 781.383.8844
Cell Phone: 617-510-8879
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