Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Not all revolutions against repressive regimes lead to viable democracies. While some revolutions achieved their objectives, others resulted only in unstable democracies that were short-lived and followed by dictatorships – cases in point being the revolution in Czarist Russia and more recently the revolution against the Shah of Iran. Given these possibilities, what are the outlooks for Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and other nations of Southwest Asia (the Middle East) and North Africa – and with what implications to "the West" and to terrorist networks? What factors might lead to different outcomes in each of these nations? Examine the possibilities in "Fall of Western-Supported Dictatorships in the Middle East and North Africa: A New Beginning" by Farah Rishi and Mazhar Rishi, published in the latest transcultural issue of FUTURE
takes in partnership with Children Creating Bridges (CCB), Inc. The article is available at
http://www.futuretakes.org/docs/Volume%2010%20no%201/v10n1_article1.pdf Both Children Creating Bridges, Inc. and FUTURE
takes share a common goal of helping people identify and transcend hidden culture-based assumptions and thereby develop complementary thinking skills that tomorrow's citizens will need.
Additional information on Children Creating Bridges, Inc. and its programs is available at
http://www.childrencreatingbridges.org Further information about the FUTURE
takes transcultural thematic issue series can be found at
http://www.futuretakes.org/Transcultural.html # # #