Tuesday, September 20, 2011
In what ways are technology and globalization impacting both the individual and society itself in developing countries? What is different about the impact of new gadgets and technology (social media, the Web, videogames, cell phones) and the impact of Industrial Age technologies (television, telephones, and automobiles)? Are the new gadgets exporting the cultures of the wealthier nations that developed them to the less-developed nations – for example, the consumer economy, diversion and stimulation, and status symbols? And what are the psychological impacts of these new technologies on their users? Find out more in "The Effects of Technology and Globalization on Society and the Individual in Developing Countries, Now and in the Future," by M. Anjum Irfan and Madiha Irfan. The article, published in the latest transcultural thematic issue of FUTURE
takes in partnership with Children Creating Bridges (CCB), Inc. The article is posted at
http://www.futuretakes.org/docs/Volume%2010%20no%201/v10n1_article2.pdf Both Children Creating Bridges, Inc. and FUTURE
takes share a common goal of helping people identify and transcend hidden culture-based assumptions and thereby develop complementary thinking skills that tomorrow's citizens will need.
Additional information on Children Creating Bridges, Inc. and its programs is available at
http://www.childrencreatingbridges.org Further information about the FUTURE
takes transcultural thematic issue series can be found at
http://www.futuretakes.org/Transcultural.html # # #