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Being a Leader From Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. --  Age Brilliantly Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Do you suddenly find yourself in a position where you have to lead and/or direct others? Do
you strive to be in that position?
The Assessment Center is an online directory of assessments to help you get insight for and
work through the significant life challenges you face. It focuses on many different aspects of
fulfillment, but to demonstrate its use, let’s first focus on the category “Leadership,” and the
story of a person benefiting from the assessments available in the Assessment Center.

Patrick’s Story
After a restructuring at his company, Patrick, a member of Age Brilliantly, has suddenly found
himself in a position where he has to lead and oversee others. He feels unprepared for this
sudden responsibility, and finds himself floundering. He decides that he has to make a change
in how he operates because his actions have the potential to affect his team’s performance.
Patrick visits Age Brilliantly to look for advice on how to become a better leader and help his
team stay afloat.
After a little browsing, Patrick comes across the “LeaderDNA Diagnostic.” This assessment,
measuring his skills in various competencies of leadership, tells him that although he does well
in building relationships, communication skills, and developing people, he’s lacking in more
practical skills like managing resources, continuous improvement and quality, and customer
focus. He knows that in order to improve his team’s performance and his overall leadership
abilities, he has to improve these skills as well.

A few weeks later, Patrick has been implementing the changes recommended to him by the
LeaderDNA Diagnostic with good results, when he’s suddenly hit with a massive project his
team has been asked to complete with an incredibly short timeline. After hearing this news,
Patrick feels stuck, and doesn’t know how to juggle the new project with what they were
already working on. He returns to Age Brilliantly for advice on how to proceed. He finds the
“Leadership Skills Test,” and discovers through his results that he has poor adaptability for a
leader, but high scores in decision-making and emotional intelligence. Although he isn’t the
best equipped to manage change based on his adaptability, he knows that he has the decision-
making skills to pull through and the emotional intelligence to support his employees through
the stress of the new project.

Throughout the project, Patrick does his best to guide his team and take responsibility for his
position. Many mistakes are made, but he tries to make the most out of each one and turn
them into a learning opportunity for himself and his team. However, when a member of his
team repeats a mistake that had been made earlier on in the project, Patrick worries that he
hasn’t effectively communicated with his team enough and is therefore failing to lead. He
decides to take the “Adept Leadership Assessment,” and finds that even though he isn’t scoring
perfectly, he’s also come a long way from where he started. Later that day, the employee that
made the mistake admits that it was due to his own negligence, and apologizes to Patrick.

By the time the project is finished, Patrick feels like all of the chaos that’s been thrown his way
has helped him really grow as a leader and adapt to his role. He thinks back to the first
leadership assessment he ever took with Age Brilliantly, the “LeaderDNA Diagnostic,” and
decides that he wants to retake it to see exactly how much he’s improved. Upon seeing his
results, he finds that his practical skill scores have risen dramatically after being forced to use
them so frequently recently. Although he knows that he still has room for improvement, his
reflection on his actions as a leader and the experience that he’s recently gained have built a
strong foundation for the rest of his career is guiding others.

Visiting the Assessment Center
Patrck may have found himself in his situation suddenly, but AgeBrilliantly has plenty of advice
to offer for people who are actively working towards getting into a position of leadership. All of
the assessments discussed in Patrick’s story (and more!) are available in the Assessment Center

After visiting the Assessment Center, if you want to discuss your results and/or suggest adding
more tools, contact us at assessmentcenter@agebrilliantly.org.
We’re your ecosystem of support and resources with which to lead a fulfilling 100-year life.

Have an Exciting and Fulfilling Month!

The Chanin Building • 380 Lexington Ave. / 122 East 42 St. (4th floor) • New York, NY 10168

Phone: 800-493-1334 • www.AgeBrilliantly.org •  Fax: 646-478-9435

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Age Brilliantly
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 646-290-7664
Main Phone: 646-290-7664
Cell Phone: 646-290-7664
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