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Companies Now Can Adopt High ROI Mentoring Internship Programs
Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. --  Age Brilliantly Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
New York, NY
Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Mentoring Internships's New E-book Provides Framework


New York, NY. April 27, 2016. Mentoring Internships, a service which helps companies adopt student internship programs with a high ROI for the host-company, was launched today by the Presentation Excellence Group. It released a free e-book on how to "Adopt a Sustainable, High ROI Mentoring  Internship Program". It's available at http://mentoringinternships.com/get-the-e-book/.


Studies by Associated Press, McKinsey and others, report that 50% of all college graduates are taking jobs not commensurate with the training they received. Further, most students aren't able to launch careers because of the "disconnect" between what they learn in school and the skills needed to succeed in the workplace. When companies give students an opportunity to work on meaningful projects and get mentoring from supervisors, students learn about themselves and the workplace, and can make better career decisions. Such programs are especially helpful for the "career-disadvantaged" students who lack access to adults who can help them explore options in emerging and professional  fields such as healthcare, law, cybersecurity, etc.


"As the summer approaches, millions of high school, colleges and graduate students are applying for a limited number of internship positions available," observed Jerry Cahn, Ph.D. J.D., company CEO.  "Mentoring Internships helps companies who want a high ROI internship program which uses students for company projects while also providing them with a great learning experience. Companies benefit in many ways: they increase staff productivity; supervisors improve management skills; staff interact with young people; it facilitates recruiting for skills and cultural-fit; it enhances the company's reputation in the community, often creating brand ambassadors.


Mentoring Internship Programs are extremely cost-effective because once the model is launched, it can be repeated every Fall, Spring and/or Summer semester with a new set of interns working in as many different departments as Mentors have been identified. Staff's mentoring is part of the standard supervisory process, consuming relatively little extra time in exchange for increasing the team's overall productivity. The program is not limited to graduating students looking for immediate jobs; indeed its focus is on younger students – high school and college - who are curious about job opportunities and willing to commit to learning while producing.  Mentoring Internships helps companies launch their first cycle, providing guidance, a Wiki and a support Forum to help everyone be successful, and evaluation tools for improvement in future cycles.


Dr. Cahn, who also is the Chairman of the Presentation Excellence Group, founded the program after hearing school Career Advisors and parents complain that there weren't enough internship opportunities. To date, he has offered over 600 students with mentoring internships at most of the companies for whom he worked. As a teacher (at CUNY and University of Shanghai), it's natural for him to take a few extra minutes to help students understand the "why", "what" and" how's" of the projects in which they're engaged, and to encourage them to be creative so that they can make better career decisions. Just as he's reaped substantial rewards from watching students grow, he knows other people who care about young people will benefit when they serve as Mentoring Internship Program coordinators and mentors.


"By enabling companies to adopt Mentoring Internship Programs which they can sustainably operate on their own for years to come," concludes Dr. Cahn, "we can reach millions of students. Recognizing the impact it has on our communities and economy, it's clear that everyone wins!"


For more information, visit www.mentoringinternships.com and/or contact Dr. Cahn at jcahn@MentoringInternships.com or 800 493 1334.

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Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Age Brilliantly
Dateline: New York, NY United States
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