LEADERSHIP FOR CYBER MILITARIES Kevin Coleman, one of the world's leading authorities on Internet security has published a most controversial book that exposes a plethora of failings that he insists must be confronted with urgency...
EXTRACT: ...the issues of cyber security, cyber preparedness, and cyber warfare weighed heavily on the minds of the White House, Defense Department, Homeland Security and Federal Law Enforcement leaders. Similar occurrences took place in the UK and member states of the European Union. This new class of weapon requires no special materials, virtually no infrastructure to produce, and the knowledge and skills required to create cyber weapons is widely available and taught in most schools. Every country, extremist group, criminal enterprise, terrorist organization and military is pursuing offensive, defensive and cyber intelligence capabilities. Some call it a new arms race. While that is indeed the case, I would add that the cruising speed for this race is at light speed.
If global conflict was not complex already, cyber conflict that use compromised computers in unwilling and unknowing intermediary countries to obscure the point of attack origination has taken international complexity to an unprecedented new level. A recent document coming out of the United Nations begins to address the international agreements and cooperation needed to address the ever increasing threat of cyber war....
Mark Birdsall