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Cyber Defense Market Analysis - Whitepaper
Technolytics -- Strategic Issues Technolytics -- Strategic Issues
McMurray, PA
Monday, September 28, 2009

Few people would dispute the need for defending the nation against acts of cyber aggression that could lead to a cyber war or worse. The information contained in the paper is an opinion based on open source intelligence coupled with original research and analysis that was conducted over the past decade. Data is provided for information purposes only. With the significant attention Capitol Hill is giving to this national security issue, vendors are creating new offerings and expanding existing programs. This creates new and unique opportunities for existing players in the defense industry and opens doors for new players looking to stake their claim. Small and medium sized businesses have been working on what was considered to be, until recently, a niche market – cyber warfare. We believe that large corporations will acquire, partner and team with the SMBs to enhance their position to gain marketshare.

We also believe that we will see a blurring between traditional information security vendors servicing the private sector and those successful in the defense and intelligence industry. Particularly interesting is the need to collaborate on cyber intelligence between the cyber intelligence leads and the private sector. We believe the current state creates an opportunity for an upset. The traditional defense and intelligence industry players may see the leader or leaders in cyber come from out of the shadows and not a traditional industry player.

The Technolytics Institute announces the availability of a public version of their analysis of the rapidly emerging cyber warfare industry / market. The entire whitepaper can be found at the following web sites.


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