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Develop Your Own Formula for Success!
Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant Francie Dalton -- Certified Managment Consultant
Columbia, MD
Friday, April 9, 2010

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Looking for employees who want to be held accountable and who are proud of their ability to generate measurable results? "Then you must develop 'Evidence Based Performance Measures' and hold people accountable for achieving them" says Francie Dalton, President of Dalton Alliances, Inc. "Proof of performance or the absence thereof. That's what you get with Evidence Based Performance Measures.? Properly constructed, EBPMs establish targeted outcomes in both quantitative and qualitative terms, each of which is supported by a series of subordinate outcomes that are also measurable.

Are you frustrated with staff performance that doesn?t meet your expectations?

Are you struggling to secure needed productivity increases and spending too much time trying to neutralize the resulting acrimony?

If so, here?s the good news: At their core, these frustrations have a common cause, for which the solution is both formulaic and easy to learn.

Find the answer, and learn how to assess more accurately at: http://tinyurl.com/y3qtv4p

About Francie Dalton, CMC:

Francie Dalton, CMC, is founder and president of Dalton Alliances, Inc., a Washington, DC?based consultancy specializing in the management, behavioral, and communication sciences. Dalton Alliances offers customized organizational and leadership assessments and follow-up services including business consulting, developmental workshops, leadership retreats, interventions, executive coaching, and professional speaking. Contact Francie at (410) 715-0484, or email her at francie@daltonalliances.com

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Name: Megan Wanner
Title: Marketing Associate
Group: Dalton Alliances
Dateline: Columbia, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410.715.0484
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