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Don't Let These Email Delivery Grinches Ruin Your Holiday Email Marketing!
Institute for Social Internet Public Policy Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
Boulder, CO
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Guaranteed Inbox Delivery
SuretyMail, the email accreditation service that guarantees delivery of your email to the inbox, reminds business email senders to not be tempted to include the Grinches of Email Deliverability in your email marketing messages this holiday season.

"During the end-of-year rush, it can be tempting to pull out all the stops to get in those last minute orders, to make quota, or just to get as many orders as possible in before closing up shop for the holidays," says Anne P. Mitchell, CEO of ISIPP SuretyMail.

"The problem," says Mitchell, "is that spam filters and junk folders don't take a holiday."

Mitchell explains that it can be tempting to throw a "FREE!" or two into the mix, or to send out a mass email with "Last Chance!" or "Money Back Guarantee!" in the subject. But these, and dozens of others phrases like them, are as likely as not to trip spam filters, turning your holiday message into junk folder fodder.

In fact, SuretyMail's "Email Deliverability Handbook" contains an entire section devoted to words and phrases to avoid in order to achieve optimum email deliverability. "These are words and phrases that will cause spam filters and junk folders to gobble up your email, diverting it from the inbox," explains Mitchell. "We couldn't make these things up - they are taken directly from the rules of the most popular spam filtering programs."

In the spirit of giving, ISIPP's SuretyMail program has excerpted a partial list of these words and is making them available for free. You can look up the partial list of Grinch words at http://www.isipp.com/ref/words-to-avoid.

About ISIPP SuretyMail: The Institute for Social Internet Public Policy (ISIPP) develops and consults on Internet policies to both the public and private sector. ISIPP's SuretyMail email deliverability and accreditation service helps to ensure that legitimate email is delivered to the inbox, and not the junk folder. Available to all legitimate email senders, and requiring no email bypass or rerouting, SuretyMail currently helps more than 2 billion emails get delivered to the inbox every month. For more information, see www.SuretyMail.com

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