Author Dr Gerry Fewster PhD "Don't Let Your Kids be Normal – A Partnership for a different world" releases his new controversial book just in time for
International Child and Youth Care week.
Across North America and Europe youngsters are being tagged and labelled as 'problems' and subjected to the remedial devices of the experts and the pharmaceutical companies. The statistics are staggering. We are now at the point where even babies and toddlers are being treated for depression, disobedience, anxiety, attachment disorders, hyper-activity and an escalating list of syndromes invented to let parents off the hook.
Fewsters new book "Don't Let your kids be Normal" contends that current parenting, teaching and professional practices are generally ineffective and repressive. Encouraging, or coercing children to follow in our footsteps is the worst possible option.
"If we were able to put aside all we learned from our own parents, the experts and those 'how-to' books, perhaps we could take another look at these questions; Do children come into this world as inherently purposeful and compassionate beings or as potential sinners and terrorists who need our rewards, punishments and deprivations to keep them in line? Remember, whatever we believe about them, we also believe about ourselves. Do we see them as future doctors, lawyers and hockey stars, or as creative beings who have every right and reason to reject our legacy?
The problem is that we can't give our children what we ourselves have never had. We can't nurture their natural curiosity until we are prepared to challenge our own rigid beliefs. We can't ask them to believe in their inherent ability to change the world from our place of fear and helplessness. And we can't expect kids to understand how it's possible for human beings to live together in harmony unless we can create this in our relationships with them." Says Fewster
David Chamberlain, PhD; Author of: The Mind of your Newborn Baby says of Fewsters new book "If you are concerned about the future of our children, this book is bound to challenge many of your current assumptions and beliefs. If you are a thoughtful parent, or practicing professional, you will have the opportunity to explore new ways to create relationships that nurture the Self of both adult and child and uncover the untapped potential that lies beneath. The chances are that these approaches will be very different from what you learned in school or from your own parents, but I urge you to give them your serious consideration – time is of the essence."
Available now at For media interviews and review copy:
Julie Salisbury Tel: 778 977 2179