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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Frank DiBartolomeo -- Presentation Coach For Technical Professionals
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About: Frank is a presentation coach for technical professionals. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. He has developed and honed his extensive public speaking abilities over his 40-year career, both in military service, as a contractor, and business owner. Because of his outstanding work in the field of public speaking and leadership, in 2002, Frank was awarded Toastmasters International’s highest individual award - Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). He formed DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC in 2007. The mission of DCI is to help technical professionals to inspire, motivate, and influence their colleagues and other technical professionals through improving their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence. Frank DiBartolomeo is also a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. His expertise as an engineer and technical leader in the military and industry led to a variety of leadership assignments
Christopher Gilbert PhD -- Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time
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About: About Christopher Gilbert, PhD: Dr. Christopher Gilbert is a senior international ethics consultant and popular keynote speaker. As co-founder of NobleEdge Consulting, he has worked with Fortune 500, government, and non-profit organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, traveling the globe to spearhead sustainability, human capacity development, and business conduct programs. With over 25 years of award-winning teaching experience in colleges and universities on four continents, Chris has also pioneered nationally recognized professional development and ethics centers. As a motivational speaker and author, he is well known for his informative humor, authenticity, and personalized inspiration. He holds a PhD specializing in leadership ethics, a Master of Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science in geology.
San Francisco Writers Conference
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About: The San Francisco Writers Conference, one of the finest writers' events in the country, helps writers become published authors and teaches them how to build successful writing careers. Presenters at the event include bestselling authors, literary agents, and respected editors from top publishing houses. With 100+ presenters to 350 attendees, there is optimum interaction with industry professionals in an information-packed weekend. Individual PRE/POST Classes, too! The SFWC is held over President?s Day weekend at the Mark Hopkins Hotel. A second event, the San Francisco Writing for Change Conference is held annually in the fall. SFWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Jackie Lapin -- Conscious Media Relations
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About: The Historic Traveler is a unique blog for history lovers that combines stunning photos and lively descriptions of historic locations around the world, coupled with recommendations for historic novels, mysteries, histories and biographies that illuminate what it would have been like to live there. Host Jackie Lapin shares her passion twice weekly with highlights from the more than 500 localities she has visited and photographed. Historic Traveler International is the membership alliance that goes deeper -- with a dozen resources for history lovers and historic readers offered nowhere else! Go to
Robin Jay
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About: Robin Jay is an award-winning author and filmmaker, motivational speaker, and life coach. Her vision to inspire others is evident as she continues to empower global audiences with her work. Her latest book is SUNNY'S SECRETS, a psychological thriller. From her first book, "The Art of the Business Lunch, Building Relationships Between 12 and 2" (Career Press) to a memoir she coauthored with reality TV star Tana Goertz, she follows her passion for sharing great stories. Robin is a Business Relationship Expert who dramatically impacts audiences with her expertise and tips for building profitable business relationships. Even as Writer/Producer of three award-winning inspirational films, known as "The Key Movies", Robin continues to find new ways to reach audiences with high-impact messages of inspiration and life lessons.

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Blogging vs Vlogging: Which Should You Do? Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
25 X / Twitter Statistics for 2025 to Guide Your Marketing Strategy Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
Share of Voice vs. Share of Market: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters? Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
Speaker Concerns and How to Alleviate Them Frank DiBartolomeo -- Presentation Coach For Technical Professionals
The 17 Definitive WordPress Themes to Consider for Your Next Site Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
Blogging Laws: What Every Blogger Needs to Know Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
13 AI Content Detector Tools (Free & Paid) I Recommend You Check Out – and Why Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
Why Hiring a Digital Marketing Expert Could Be the Game-Changer Your Business Needs Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer
Great Professional Speakers are Great Business People Frank DiBartolomeo -- Presentation Coach For Technical Professionals
15 Cool Instagram Video Editors to Up Your Reels Game Neal Schaffer -- Social Media Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Influencer

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