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Exploring the World of Running Injuries A Focus on Achilles Tendinopathy and the Promise of Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP Treatment
David Russo --   Pain Management Expert David Russo -- Pain Management Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Hood River, OR
Friday, July 12, 2024


Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Running is a favorite activity for many, offering various health benefits and a sense of freedom. However, it has its risks. Among the multiple injuries that runners face, one of the more common and challenging ones is Achilles tendinopathy. This condition can affect up to 5% of runners annually, causing pain and often forcing them to hit the pause button on their favorite activity.
Achilles tendinopathy is not just a temporary setback; it can significantly decrease physical activity. Even more concerning is that up to 20% of those affected might still be struggling with symptoms five years down the line. Part of what makes Achilles tendinopathy so stubborn is that its causes are not fully understood. Yet, experts believe that two main biomechanical mechanisms could be at play: the “whipping” action, which impacts the side-to-side movement of the Achilles, and the “tearing” action, which affects the tendon in a front-to-back motion. Despite this knowledge, pinpointing the exact cause of runners remains elusive.
PRP therapy is a cutting-edge approach that harnesses the healing power of a patient’s blood to treat tendon injuries. Here’s how it works: a small amount of the patient’s blood is taken and spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets rich in growth factors. This concentrated platelet-rich plasma is then injected directly into the affected area. In the case of Achilles tendinopathy, the PRP is injected around the Achilles tendon, unleashing a robust healing response.
The utility of PRP lies in its ability to promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and accelerate the healing process, all of which are crucial for tackling the stubborn pain and dysfunction of Achilles tendinopathy. This treatment is gaining traction among healthcare professionals and patients alike for its potential to address the root of the problem, offering hope where traditional treatments may have fallen short.
However, it’s important to remember that PRP therapy is just one piece of the puzzle. A comprehensive treatment plan, including physical therapy and lifestyle adjustments, is often necessary to overcome Achilles tendinopathy fully. Yet, the introduction of PRP into the treatment landscape shines a light on the innovative ways we are learning to heal our bodies, offering runners a beacon of hope for getting back to the sport they love without the shadow of pain.
While running is a fantastic way to stay fit, it comes with challenges, such as Achilles tendinopathy. Understanding the biomechanical causes of this condition remains a work in progress. Still, the advent of treatments like platelet-rich plasma therapy offers exciting new possibilities for recovery and healing, potentially helping runners bounce back stronger and with less pain.
The specialists at Columbia Pain Management are experts in regenerative therapies. We offer a wide range of conservative and surgical treatment options, and we work closely with each patient to develop a personalized care plan that meets their unique needs and goals. Contact us today at 503-654-5636 or 541-205-0173 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards finding relief and reclaiming your active lifestyle.
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Name: David Russo, DO
Group: Columbia Pain Management, PC
Dateline: Hood River, OR United States
Direct Phone: 541-386-9500, ex 204
Main Phone: 541-386-9500, ex 202
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