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Yearbook of Experts® member profiles
Robert Toporek -- TeamChildren - Youth Charity
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About: From High touch to high tech TeamChildren's mission is to ensure that every family and their children have the tools, training, opportunities, and technology to transform their academic, economic, social and physical futures. Teamchildren is on the leading edge of transforming early childhood growth and development. We have through extraordinary teamwork distributed over 18,000 low cost refurbished computers to families and organizations around the world. Teamchildren believes has demonstrated and documented that every baby/child will benefit from massage and Rolfing. We are currently working on raising $500,000 to fully fund and staff our expanded and deepening impact and to turn our founder's knowledge and skills over to the next generation.
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
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About: Patricia Farrell, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in NJ and Florida and is the author of 'How to Be Your Own Therapist', 'It's Not All in Your Head,' 'Sleep, Insomnia, Stress: What you don't know can hurt you.' Her TV appearances include Today Show, Good Morning America, AC360, Court TV, MSNBC, The View, Maury, ABC World News, FOX News. Farrell has written articles on health, child abuse, medical illness, and managing stress, is a writer for several publications, listed in Who’s Who in the World and is a Consulting psychologist to WebMD, and consultant to pharmaceutical and public relations firms. Website: where you can find her blog and links to videos of her appearances. Twitter account: @drpatfarrell. Amazon author page: page:, Substack:
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
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About: Dr. Burton S. Schuler, aka "Dr. Morton's Toe" is acknowledged both internationally and nationally, as the leading medical expert about the painful condition of the foot, known as the Morton’s Toe. He is the leading expert because he is the only physician and or lay person, ever to author a detailed book about the Morton’s Toe; and feet & the body wide problems it can cause. The title of the book is Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot, and was first published in 2009, and is now in its 4th printing. A Morton’s toe is where the 1st metatarsal bone of the foot (the bone that the big toe attaches to) is abnormally short and or unstable. Schuler has been a Foot Specialist for over 50 years; and has written hundreds of articles, written for Colliers Encyclopedia (printed editions) and has made dozens of videos; about
Peggy Sealfon -- Mind Body Fitness For Life
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About: Renowned board certified health and personal development coach Peggy Sealfon is captivating audiences globally with her expertise in health, lifestyle coaching, and breakthrough strategies. Sealfon's methods for reducing anxiety, stress, trauma, and fears are not only effective but life-changing. By skillfully merging ancient wisdom with modern science, she presents a truly distinctive approach to enhancing mental wellness and physical well-being. Notably, Sealfon's groundbreaking Mind Body Fitness For Life programs, wellness products, and acclaimed books have earned her significant recognition. She's now taking her influence to new heights by also harnessing cutting-edge technology to activate stem cells and reverse aging. Sealfon's work is clearly transformative.
Victoria Bowmann -- Cleansing and Detoxification
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About: Victoria Bowmann is a health care professional, author and speaker with more than 30 years of expertise in cleansing, detoxification, digestive and gastro-intestinal (GI) health. Growing up with allergies and a predisposition to arthritis and other genetic ailments, Bowmann began in earnest at a young age to research alternative treatments to invasive conventional approaches. Bowmann honed in on the importance of cleansing and detoxification as a major factor in optimizing health. She created a widely used manual on reflorastation, a technique used to reintroduce healthy bacteria into the bowel following a colon hydrotherapy.
Anne Nordhaus-Bike - Artist
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About: Award-winning artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike paints colorful, calming watercolors inspired by nature. She loves color, texture, and handmade papers, and her flower paintings capture moments of vibrant stillness and beauty. Her work reflects an underlying spirituality infused with the wisdom of nature and seasonal cycles. Collectors love her paintings for their joy, the healing peace they inspire, and the artistry that informs each brushstroke. Anne specializes in watercolor paintings on handmade paper, hand mounted in the traditional Asian style and uniquely custom framed by professional framers. Anne’s art has appeared in numerous solo and group shows as well as many arts programs, presentations, and performances. Her work has been published in periodicals and books; covered in numerous print publications; and featured in broadcast media, both on television and feature films. She earned a degree in art history and has won multiple awards for arts writing.
Dr. Beverly Potter -- Cannabis for Seniors
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About: CANNABIS FOR SENIORS -- Seniors is the fastest growing demographic of pot users in the U.S. Cannabis, a once ill-perceived 'street drug', can be a valued asset to Senior wellness, especially when used in conjunction with other physician-recommended forms of therapy. In many cases using cannabis enables Seniors in reducing dependency on narcotic pain meds to avoid opioid addiction—which is becoming an epidemic. Cannabis is much more than a 'weed' Cannabinoids - chemicals in cannabis - interact synergistically with the endocannabinoid (EC) system in the body to help regulate pain, reduce inflammation, decrease stress, and speed recovery time, as well as elevate mood and optimism - all of which can increase Seniors’ quality of life. Pot is becoming the 'pill alternative.'
Mr. Pulak Sharma & Dr. Priyanka Sharma -- Kazmira -- The Cannabinoid Company
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About: Mr. Pulak Sharma is co-CEO of Kazmira LLC; a science-based manufacturer of THC-free broad spectrum CBD Oil, water soluble CBD, and other wholesale cannabinoid ingredients. Pulak is a Cannabinoid Maverick and Champion for Industrial Hemp. He leads the company in its enduring purpose: to use a science-based approach to improve life through self-care, cannabinoid-based, dietary supplement products. Pulak is a frequent speaker on Industrial Hemp and Cannabinoid topics at events and key forums across the USA. As an industry stakeholder, he has spoken at an FDA hearing regarding scientific data about products containing cannabis, as well as at an industry stakeholder summit on cannabis with Cowen Research. He was instrumental in showcasing the potential of Cannabinoids to Perrigo and Perrigo’s subsequent investment in Kazmira. Pulak holds an MBA from Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and a BS in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University.
Kathy Gruver, Speaker, Author, Coach
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About: Kathy Gruver is an award-winning author, professional speaker and coach who has captivated audiences on four continents, three cruise ships and a handful of islands plus two TEDx talks. Kathy has written eight books with 12 awards and cohosts the Fire and Earth Podcast. She penned countless articles and appears regularly as a guest on radio, TV and in in print media. She recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show. She earned her PhD in natural health and studied mind-body medicine at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard. For fun and stress relief Kathy does flying trapeze.
Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
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About: The Color Whisperer, JEANETTE CHASWORTH, has been a practicing interior designer for the last 17 years. Her work has been featured in Arts & Crafts Home magazine and most recently Fabulous Floors. She has been a popular lecturer at University of California Riverside and Mt. San Antonio College, where she presents color psychology as a tool for the ideal lifestyle. The Color Whisperer's entertaining guide, What's Color Got to Do With It?, reveals the secret of how to find the ideal color for your home and your life.
Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S.
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About: Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S., is a specialist in the field of periodontics and has served patients in this specialty for over 30 years. As one of the Michigan's foremost experts in periodontics, Dr. Nemeth has played a major role in applying innovative medical and technological advances to current periodontal practice. He publishes a quarterly newsletter for general dentists on the most recent research in periodontics, and he has served on the faculty of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry, University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, and on the staff of the Detroit Medical Center.
HeavenSentHemp TEAM
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About: HeavenSentHemp specializes in production of artisanal, highly bio-active endocannabinoid-rich (and CBD rich) hemp extracts. They contain verified 600 mg CBD per ounce. They are made by a proprietary organic olive oil extraction process with the goal of providing organic hemp/CBD products that are more biologically active than those made by the pharmaceutical technology of supercritical CO2 extraction, and conventional alcohol-based extraction methods. Their performance is tested clinically first by HeavenSentHemp clinical formulator, Dr. Brent Davis, and then put to the test by holistic health professionals around the U.S. that follow Dr. Davis' work. Examples of doctor Davis evaluating the unique action of the HeavenSentHemp products are found in the media section of the HeavenSentHem...

Recent News Releases
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Victoria Bowmann -- Cleansing and Detoxification
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist

Blog Posts
 Date HeadlineParticipant Name
What is Periodontics? Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S.
Alzheimer’s New Gene Discovery May Prove Decisive in Early Diagnosis or Not. What CAN You Do? Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
What is an Upper Lip Frenectomy Joseph R. Nemeth, D.D.S.
Simple Touch Mandates a Significant Place in Health Fostering Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Love Addiction Can Signal Emotional Dependence in Some Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
“Lemonading” May Help Us Cope with Adversity in Our Lives Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Anxiety Begone: Slaying Your Dragon to Free Yourself for Public Speaking Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Can Plastic Damage Your Brain, Your Health, and Your Heart? Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Ear Wigglers Arise?—?You May Have Something Going for You! Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
Ogre in Disguise or Angel We Need in Healthcare? Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist

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