Home > NewsRelease > FUTUREtakes to explore cultural impacts on tomorrow’s lifestyles
FUTUREtakes to explore cultural impacts on tomorrow’s lifestyles
David E. Stein  --   FUTUREtakes.Org International Futurist Magazine David E. Stein -- FUTUREtakes.Org International Futurist Magazine
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, March 23, 2009

Inspired by reader feedback to its first two thematic issues on international and cross-cultural perspectives on the future, FUTUREtakes is publishing a third one, same theme.

Like the first two, available at www.futuretakes.org/ThematicIssue.htm for free download, the third thematic issue will share diverse perspectives on the future and the rich lessons that various cultures can offer in this era of challenge, opportunity, and rapid change. Focus areas will include lifestyles, cultural values, and hidden culture-based assumptions – specifically, which ones will impact ways in which people live, work, and think and which ones face extinction with increasing interaction among nations, cultures, and peoples.

FUTUREtakes, an independent publication serving World Future Society chapters and members, brings professions, disciplines, and cultures together to explore future scenarios and the cross-cutting implications of social trends, technology advances, and policy decisions.

Past thematic issue authors have included educators, think tank staff, and diplomatic staff. The issue is scheduled for publication in July 2009.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: David E. Stein
Title: President
Group: Center for Transcultural Foresight, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Cell Phone: 410-302-4568
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