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Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome, MCS – can be cured.
Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing
Courtenay, Foreign Province
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome, MCS – can be cured.

Courtenay, B.C. Canada)… Author Annie Hopper "From Exile to Excellence; Healing

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities through Neuroplasticity" is a keynote speaker for the 16th

Annual G & B Johnson Brain Injury Conference June 18th and 19th 2009 at the Best

Western Hotel, Courtenay, B.C. Canada. Within the last 50 years there are record breaking

incidences of mysterious illnesses like Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndromes, Anxiety, Depression and Electrical

Sensitivities. Not to mention the sky rocketing numbers of people with cancer or children

with asthma, attention deficit disorder and allergies.

Why are these illnesses so prevalent in our society?

• Chemicals in the products and electro magnetic devices are playing havoc with

   our brains and bodies.

• Of the over 100,000 chemicals in the products that we use, only 11 of them have

  ever been tested.

• This chemical and electrical toxic soup mix directly effects brain function.

• Some people are more easily affected than others and the rate of progression of

   illness and its manifestation varies.

• The brain can only tolerate a certain level of stress exposure (whether this is

   physical, mental, or emotional)

• Trauma to the brain shocks the brain into a specific trauma pattern and as a

   result it often gets stuck on that pattern.

• Limbic system impairment in the brain is at the very root of many chronic


So what is Neuroplasticity and how can it cure these illnesses? How does it work?

• The brain has the ability to regenerate and create new neuronal pathways at an

  astonishing speed.

• Every second there are one million synapses taking place in your brain.

• Neuroplasticity recruits dormant or new pathways in the brain to bypass the

   impaired area. This is similar to the rehab of a stroke patient who learns to recruit

   other parts of the brain to take over function for the injured area.

• Learning how to create neuroplastic changes can shut off the chronic stress


• A radical shift in physical health can take place with the three day Dynamic

  Neural Retraining System.

About Annie Hopper: A survivor of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS - an acquired toxic

brain injury)  Hopper teaches a 3 day brain retraining program called The Dynamic Neural

Retraining System. Annie is a Brain Retraining Specialist, Core Belief Counselor, Life

Coach, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, Newspaper Columnist and a featured

guest as an Emotional Wellness Expert on talk radio.

The next 3 day brain retraining programs take place in Campbell River, B.C. June 26th-

28th 09, July 24 – 26th 09 and Victoria B.C. July 3rd-5th and July 17 – 19th. To enroll in

this ground breaking training, please contact Annie Hopper at www.mcscure.com or Tel


To attend the keynote on June 19th at the Best Western Hotel, Courtenay, B.C. for the special price of $35 or to request your press pass please

contact Telka on 250-334-9225 www.cvheadinjury.com


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