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Food Marketing Agency Celebrates 20 Years with Grants to Culinary Educators
Olson Communications_ Inc. -- Food Industry Communications Strate Olson Communications_ Inc. -- Food Industry Communications Strate
Chicago, IL
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Contact: Rachel Tracy

Olson Communications



Food Marketing Agency Celebrates 20th Anniversary

with Grants to Chicago?s Culinary Teachers

Olson Communications is continuing their commitment to help foodservice instructors

enhance their skills to benefit the Chefs of Tomorrow?.

CHICAGO, March 31, 2009 ? Olson Communications, a full-service agency that specializes in delivering innovative marketing communication strategy to its portfolio of select food industry clients, is announcing their 2009 scholarship program designed to ?give back? to the Chicago metropolitan area: grants to help fund the professional development of the city?s teachers who train students in the arts of culinary, pastry and bakery.

In celebration of Olson Communications? 20th anniversary, the company has committed to offering $20,000 in new grants over the next five years. The first grant was awarded to Chef Lee Jamison of the Washburn Culinary Institute. The program will continue to award high school and college-level instructors annually through 2012. Additional grants will be made to Chicago community-based programs that endeavor to alleviate hunger through education on food and nutrition.

?While many prospective culinary arts students in Chicago seek financial assistance to enroll in one of the several excellent culinary and pastry schools in our city, there?s an entire community of hardworking professionals that is largely overlooked and forgotten: the teachers themselves,? says Sharon Olson, Olson Communications? founder. ?They?re the ones who are chiefly influencing tomorrow?s menus, by training students for fulfilling careers in Chicago?s restaurants, hotels, clubs, catering facilities and noncommercial food outlets. And with school budgets being squeezed ever tighter, teachers? needs for additional skills training is often the first line item cut.?

Through Olson Communications? Professional Development Grant Assistance Program, foodservice instructors at Chicago based schools may apply the grant toward such activities as conducting research for a book or master?s thesis, attending a hands-on culinary related workshop, embarking on a culinary tour abroad, or learning how to use computer applications more effectively in education delivery. In all cases, the professional development activity must ultimately benefit student learning.

All teachers at accredited, degree- or certificate-granting, public and private high schools and post secondary schools within Chicago metropolitan area are eligible to apply for a professional development grant. The deadline to submit applications and supporting documents for 2009 awards is Friday, May 22, 2009. For an application or more information, contact Olson Communications at (312) 280-4573 or rachelt@olsoncom.com.

Since 1988 Olson Communications has specialized in offering personalized, uniquely crafted marketing communication strategies for food business clients based in the United States and abroad. The agency?s business strategy of remaining small while exceeding the range and depth of service typical of larger food marketing agencies has earned Olson Communications international recognition.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Sharon M. Olson
Title: President
Group: Olson Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Chicago, IL United States
Direct Phone: 312-280-4573
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