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Grow Your Market Share with Mind Share
Ron Karr -- CSP  -- Sales Leadership Expert Ron Karr -- CSP -- Sales Leadership Expert
New York, NY
Monday, September 30, 2013

Reach Ron Karr directly for news media interview and business inquiry at: (201) 914-3895 or Ron@RonKarr.com

Working for a major computer manufacturer in 1988, I became frustrated with my distributor reps for not being able to close the leads I gave them. So frustrated that I asked the manager of a local branch if I could come in to do some sales training with his people. He asked me "how fast can you get here?" So on a Thursday night I brought in a few pizzas and spent three hours training his reps on how to close business.

The results were phenomenal! His reps started selling more of the entire product line carried from all manufacturers. And, when it came to buying my category of products, which manufacturer got the business? My company! Why? Because I went the extra step and helped those reps become more successful.

By helping those reps increase their sales success, I had something my competitors did not have, MIND SHARE!!! And because I had Mind Share, my market share increased exponentially.

Mind Share is defined as being the person or company someone thinks of when they need your type of products or services.

Want to grow Market Share? Work on growing your Mind Share!

What can you do to help your customers succeed beyond your products and services? Today the entry point in business is having good products and services. Differentiation comes from those who make a difference in their customer's results. Yes your products and services will do that. But so will everyone else's. To gain mind share, you need to rise above the competition that also has good products and services.

If you want to learn how to increase both Mind Share and Market Share, get your copy of Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ronald Karr
Title: President
Group: Karr Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Boynton Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: (561) 336-4199
Cell Phone: (201) 914-3895
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