Monday, July 1, 2013
"The way financial advisors present themselves to physician prospects will either attract or repel them, " says Vicki Rackner MD, President of Targeting Doctors. "Think of it as 'medical magnetism.'"
Rackner points out that many approaches that attract business-minded prospects can repel physicians. "For doctors, money is the ultimate taboo topic."
She offers a few tips for financial advisors who would like to optimize their medical magnetism:
- Deliver what prospects want, and earn the right to deliver what they need.
- Focus on personal outcomes rather than financial outcomes.
- Tell more stories, and quote fewer fact.
- Listen more than talk.
- Pose great questions rather than offer answers.
"You can enhance the medical magnetism of your verbal, written and online messages. Small tweaks can make a big difference."
Would you like to learn more about how to optimize your medical magnetism? Sign up for a free special report.