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How to Invest in Your First Rental Property
Platinum Properties Investor Network Platinum Properties Investor Network
Costa Mesa, CA
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Platinum Properties Investor Network
It's time to invest in your first rental property.

At Platinum Properties Investor Network, we've devoted our time and energy over many years to educate middle class investors on the serious danger to their portfolios that lurks on Wall Street. The constraints of space don't allow us to re-state that entire argument here but you can learn all about it by following The Creating Wealth Show at http://www.JasonHartman.com/radioshows 

For those of who already realize that rental property ownership has been proven to be history's best investment but, for whatever reason, find yourself reluctant to pull the trigger and close that first deal, we offer the following blueprint to real estate success.

The following steps are contained within The Complete Solution For Real Estate Investors. This method was pioneered by Jason Hartman and, if you use it, you'll have a hard time going wrong. This stuff works.

1. Education and Consultation – Premium education materials are archived free of charge on the website mentioned above. Nothing is left out and nothing is complicated. You can pay thousands of dollars elsewhere for the same information but why would you?

2. Financial Analysis and Leverage – Are you ready to put on your bean counting number crunching hat? The primary questions to answer at this step are:

a. How much money do you have to invest?

b. Where are you going to get it?

c. Do you understand the proper use of leverage?

You likely won't be limited by what you have in savings. The best source of seed money we know lies in the equity in your house. Get it out and put it to work making you wealthy!

Leverage is what makes people rich. Leverage is simply a short way to express taking out a loan through your bank to buy a property. You don't think Donald Trump plops down the purchase price, in cash, on the table every time he wants another hotel or casino, do you?

3. Acquisition and Allocation – Now it gets really fun. This is where you locate and purchase the properties you want to buy. The critical concepts to keep in mind are MICROTARGETING and DIVERSITY. The first, microtargeting, refers to the process of drilling down a geographical market to find the most profitable property. It's about finding not only the best neighborhoods within a city but the location within the neighborhood as well. Diversity refers to the idea that you should spread your rental properties over a variety of areas.

4. Maintenance, Managing, Monitoring – At this stage, you're closer to financial independence than most people will ever get. The big idea to take away from this step is "Get a property manager!" A good property manager finds tenants, collects rents, tends to maintenance problems and, most importantly, sends you a check every month.

5. Wealth Accumulation and Preservation – You're living in the land of financial freedom now! No more worries about daily bills and expensive braces for the kids. No more living paycheck to paycheck.

Got questions about any of these steps? You're cordially invited to review the Platinum Properties Investor Network website at http://www.JasonHartman.com or call 714-820-4200.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Brittney McKaig
Title: Public Relations Coordinator
Group: Platinum Properties Investor Network
Dateline: Costa Mesa, CA United States
Direct Phone: 714-820-4200
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