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How to think like a fighter pilot in life and business
Chuck Gumbert --  Business Turnaround Specialist, Coach and Mentor Chuck Gumbert -- Business Turnaround Specialist, Coach and Mentor
Wichita, KS
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Pushing the Envelope- Book Cover
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Today many people live in a haze where they lack direction and in some cases even a final destination. They go thorugh their daily lives functioning as drones, but they can easily remedy that situation by taking control of their lives and start thinking like a fighter pilot.

Business leader, strategic coach and former F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot Chuck Gumbert, announces the release of his new book, Pushing the Envelope: How to think like a fighter pilot in life and business.

Known as the Turaround Specialist, this book couples what Gumbert learned flying high performance aircraft for the US Navy with what he experienced during his 30 years of turning around under-performing businesses and accelerating their performance to new heights. This book provides a strategy and mission plan for taking control of your life, developing your own personal flight plan and then executing it with precision to ultimate success. Just like a fighter pilot!

Gumbert says that "Learning to think like a fighter pilot will change the way you approach life's everyday challenges and help you shatter the barriers between you and the clear-blue sky!"

This book is available February 28, 2017 and is the third book in Gumbert's Tomcat Success Series. It can be purchased on Amazon or directly from Chuck's website at www.chuckgumbert.com.

For more information about the Pushing the Envelope philosophy, Chuck Gumbert or his Tomcat Success Series of publications, please visit the website. 

About Chuck Gumbert:

Chuck Gumbert is the Founder and CEO of The Tomcat Group, a middle market management consultancy that provides coaching, mentoring and consulting services assisting business leaders with improving their growth and operational performance. Known as the Turnaround Specialist, his 35 years of business experience is across a vast array of industries, and his strong leadership skills, operational background and fact-based problem solving abilities, allow him to quickly sort out issues and implement rectifying strategies.

Chuck also is also a board member for the Kansas Aviation Museum, is active in the Wichita Rotary and is member of the USS Wichita (LCS-13) Commissioning Committee. 

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Name: Chuck Gumbert
Title: CEO & Founder
Group: The Tomcat Group
Dateline: Goddard, KS United States
Direct Phone: 210-262-5880
Cell Phone: 210-262-5880
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