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How unknown first time author is Amazon No.1 Best-selling business book
Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing Julie Salisbury - Influence Publishing
San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dawn McCooey Amazon Bestseller Author
Victoria B.C./San Francisco Vancouver Island first time author Dawn McCooey saw her new business book "Keeping Good Employees on board - Employee Retention Strategies to Navigate Through the Economic Storm" rocket to the top slot on Amazon Canada best-selling business books yesterday.

It is every first time author's dream to achieve this within a few weeks of launching their book so we asked her to share her secret.

You can watch the 3 minute interview aired on Shaw TV featuring six local authors and Dawn McCooey giving an inspirational message about their journey to become published authors and how they did it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkWLip_9h38

They all have one person in common that helped them publish their books and this is Inspire A Book Founder Julie Salisbury, also from Vancouver Island. Salisbury is

passionate about helping first time authors become best-sellers and her coaching and workshops help writers from the early stages of writing their books, right through to helping them get a publishing contract and beyond to assisting them in becoming a best-seller.

Salisbury will be a guest speaker at the 7th Annual San Francisco Writers conference and will be offering a half day pre-conference seminar on "Dressing your book for publishing success" on February 11th, also open to non-conference registrants.

Who: Julie Salisbury, Founder, InspireABook

When: Thursday, February 11th, 2010 from 9am-Noon

Where: Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel, One Nob Hill, San Francisco

What: Pre-conference seminar "Dressing your book for publishing success"

Cost: $149

Salisbury added "if you take the time to educate yourself and understand at the early stages of writing your book, what makes a book a best-seller, there is no reason why more

first-time, unknown authors should become best-sellers! Just look at J.K. Rowling and the "Harry Potter" books, she did it, and so did Dawn McCooey of Victoria!

Free classes and information on the InspireABook system is available at


Press passes to attend the half day seminar in San Francisco are available on request at


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Name: Julie Salisbury
Title: Publisher
Group: Influence Publishing
Dateline: North Vancouver, BC Canada
Main Phone: 6049805700
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