For Immediate Release February 10, 2013
RE: Husband's Love Game App Helps Couples Enjoy a "Happy Valentines" All Year Long Bobby O'Neal (aka. Dr Love) from Mission, BC, Canada has developed a love game app that is sure to spice up Valentine's Day for couples worldwide. O'Neal has a reputation for creating fun relationship enhancing love products. He is the inventor of the award winning Syncrohearts Relationship board game that he created several years ago to help save his own marriage. "My wife and I were slowly drifting apart as a result of our busy lifestyle and a lack of communication in our marriage", admitted O'Neal. Rather than giving up on his marriage, O'Neal took charge and designed a relationship board game that included some key elements for strengthening relationships. "The high divorce rate proves that couples need to spend more quality time together and experience more love, laughter, better communication and romance in their relationship.", suggests O'Neal. This husband walks his talk and he earned the title of "Dr Love" after two appearances on the CBC Dragon's Den, a reality TV show in Canada for budding entrepreneurs. O'Neal credits Syncrohearts for helping him and his wife celebrate their 24th wedding anniversary. He is quick to point out that their marriage is not perfect and it takes patience, persistence, and regular practice to maintain a loving relationship. The need for regular practice and a trip away from home without their relationship board game; inspired O'Neal to create the Syncrohearts Love Game app.
"We forgot to bring our Syncrohearts board game with us on a romantic weekend get-away, but we did have our iPhones and iPad in our bags", says O'Neal. He knew then that their love game had to go mobile and he was certain that couples would embrace a fun love game app for two. "Some spouses get lost in the fantasy world of gaming and too many relationships suffer from solo app-addictions", says O'Neal. His love game app brings couples closer together and the initial response proves that he is on to something big. The demo version of the Syncrohearts Love Game app, released in 2012, won two prestigious awards, a Family Review Gold Award and a Mom's Choice Silver Award. They also received positive reviews and comments from customers around the world. "We are grateful for the recognition and we incorporated the customer feedback into the new version that was released just in time for Valentines", said O'Neal. The Syncrohearts Love Game App is available on the App Store and Dr. Love suggests, "Couples can enjoy a Happy Valentines all year long with this love game app".
For more information please contact:
Bobby O'Neal (aka. Dr Love)
604) 855-5683