Home > NewsRelease > Jason Hartman interviews mother and long-time real estate investor, Joyce, on the ‘Creating Wealth Show’
Jason Hartman interviews mother and long-time real estate investor, Joyce, on the ‘Creating Wealth Show’
Platinum Properties Investor Network Platinum Properties Investor Network
Irvine, CA
Monday, July 26, 2010

During episode number 158 of Jason Hartman's Creating Wealth Show, Joyce, mother of multi-millionaire Jason Hartman, speaks on her path to being financially independent. Jason reminisces playing Monopoly with his mother while he was younger and states, "I used to collect cash as I went around the board and saved whatever I had collected, and rarely bought properties; but that strategy never seemed to work. You told me that in order to win the game I had to buy as many properties as I could, so that if you landed on them, you had to pay me rent. That concept stuck with me as I got older."

The conversation focuses on buying income-producing real estate during the bulk of the episode. At one point, Joyce states, "People need to take risks and think about their future… they should just keep buying real estate and more of it." Jason agrees, and leads on to say, "people need food, clothing and shelter; while the population keeps increasing the demand for these items continues to rise."

Joyce first began working in social work after graduating from Berkley, but quickly realized that some of the people she would visit, who were on welfare, appeared to be living better than she. This led to her pursue a career in business, and later, a career in real estate investing.

Episode number 158 is full of advice from Joyce and Jason. They both express their feelings toward making smart decisions early on in their lives, and even working hard to save for a down-payment on the first deal. "Sometimes that first deal is so hard, but it becomes worth it when you buy a second, and a third, only years later," Joyce exclaims during the conversation. "People should really start making smart investments and stop living at the top of their income."

Jason Hartman's Creating Wealth Show has featured many recognizable names in recent years including Michael Gerber, Harry Dent, Michael Munger, Addison Wiggin, Robert Kiyosaki and many others. The Creating Wealth Show is available for free on www.JasonHartman.com/radioshows or the iTunes store, and offers investment strategy advice to those who wish to be financially independent through income property investing. To speak with an experienced investment counselor, you can call 714-820-4200 or visit www.JasonHartman.com for more details.
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Name: Brittney McKaig
Title: Public Relations Coordinator
Group: Platinum Properties Investor Network
Dateline: Costa Mesa, CA United States
Direct Phone: 714-820-4200
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