Tuesday, October 4, 2011
takes, a publication of the Washington DC based Center for Transcultural Foresight (CTF), Inc., is pleased to announce the appointment of Jay Herson as Editor-in-Chief. He succeeds Dave Stein, who has held the post since January 2003.
Herson's qualifications include his service as Managing Editor and frequent contributor to FUTURE
takes since 2004, as Secretary-Treasurer and Director for the CTF, Inc. beginning in 2010, and as publisher of
Under the Curve, a newsletter of Applied Logic Associates, a company that he founded in 1983. In addition, he is the author of numerous papers and one book on statistical and clinical trial methodology and clinical trial results. As a second career futurist, Herson has authored papers for the WFS Conference Volume and
The Futurist. A book reviewer for
World Future Review, he serves on the steering committee of the WFS Washington DC Chapter, for which he serves as emcee at its monthly dinner programs.
Herson has a Ph.D. in biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University and serves on the adjunct faculty of biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. Most of his career has been as a biostatistician in clinical trials, primarily in cancer studies. In addition, he has worked at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
takes brings professions, disciplines, and cultures together to explore alternative future scenarios and the cross-cutting implications of social trends, technology advances, and policy decisions from a nonpartisan, non-advocacy perspective. Its thematic issue series and annual transcultural roundtables, originally inspired by lifestyle contrasts among Europe, North America, Asia, Native peoples, and others, explore cultural influences on values and lifestyles, cultural "exports" and "imports," deculturation, cultural perspectives on the future, and the rich lessons that various cultures can offer to meet the challenges that the future may present. Past thematic issue authors have included educators, think tank staff, and diplomatic staff.
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